Merry Christmas!

I order a topyo time jacker for me for xmas looks and I hear it plays great love topyo I have silenus patronus bimetal


Merry Christmas everyone!

The transparency mode on those headphones is literally the best, I have never heard anything like them before.


I got an arcade, a replay pro, and(wait for it…) AN EDGE BEYOND!!! Such a good throw I am scared to throw it because I don’t won’t to scratch it​:joy::joy::joy:


Responsively inspired…

I met Yohans and Ben well over 20 years ago. Instant friends and that hasn’t changed.

Both of them were strongly bonded to Skill toys and that hasn’t changed either.

My yoyo skill level hasn’t changed much either over the years, lol… But I can do a few tricks here and there.

Their enthusiasm continues to inspire me to pay attention. We communicate on a pretty regular basis and they send me this and that, now and then, just to keep me from falling asleep, lol.

Yohans loves to play with his engraving machine and not surprisingly, decided I needed to be more ‘responsive’.

So he sent me a few yo-yos. 2 responsive yo-yos and a bi-metal yoyo as an Antidote just in case the fixed axle yoze drained my brain.

‘Noel’ is short for Joyeux Noel, which is French for Merry Christmas. Consequently, the word Noel is often used this time of year on cards/wrap/whatever….

So… Yohans made up these stocking stuffers for me so I could have a Mo-el Christmas.:nerd_face:

Good stuff from a Great Guy.

Kind of a late entry since it’s after Christmas… but if you read this, that means you made it past Christmas… a good thing.

Merry late Christmas.

And Happy holidays to those that don’t celebrate Christmas. Skill toys and friendships hold us together/not Holidays.


That is so freaking cool Doc!


So how are you liking those headphones man? :headphones:


I looked at these for a long time and told myself they would not be worth the price. In reality, they are the best sounding blue tooth headphones I have tried, and I have a few other pairs. Even better, I like how easy it is to transition from connecting to my iPad to the iPhone to the Apple TV. They are very comfortable, and I have big ears and a pretty big head. So while my Senheisser HD650’s sound better, the Max is extremely user friendly. I also appreciate that one touch turns off the noise cancellation.


Very Cool!!!