We wanted to take the time to introduce you to the moderators on the YoYoExpert forums. These are the people behind the scenes that help to keep this place the fun and safe environment it is. Never hesitate to contact one of us with questions or concerns regarding the forum.
Thanks – André!
JRod started yo-yoing in 1998 during the boom of the 90s, gave it up in 2000, picked up a yoyo again in 2007, and then got heavily into it in 2008. He is the founder of the San Diego Yoyo Club and the Finger Lakes Yoyo Club in NY, and has had the great pleasure of getting to be a regular at the Spindox and DXL clubs. He has been a modder, has created delrin yoyo designs on a mini-lathe, and designed the One Drop CODE2. JRod regularly attends yoyo contests and loves learning new 1a and 5a tricks – introduce yourself and trade tricks if you see him at a contest! He currently lives in NY with his wife and is a professor of anthropology.
That’s my ugly mug on the right…
Hey there folks. My name is L.J. I’m a father of five with a wife of 26 years. I’m a partner in and run a restaurant in Rochester Michigan.
I started yo-yoing around 1996 or 1997. The magic shop next to the restaurant I was running at the time carried Tom Kuhn stuff. I bought a couple Roller Woodies, No Jives, Sleep Machines and an SB2. I picked up from the same shop the McBride VHS tapes and I was hooked. From around 1999 to the beginning of 2008 I yo-yoed on and off (more off than on I’m afraid). Since 2008 I don’t think there have been many days at all when I didn’t yo-yo.
I’m happy to help out in any way I can. Just shoot me a PM.
Hiya, kids, hiya, hiya.
I’m in the Minneapolis, MN area where a lot of famous yoyoers live.
I’m an old school trick guy. I’ve been yoyoing for a long time off and on. I’m mostly a casual player though I have competed in the ladder event at MWR and MN States. My favorite yoyos are the YYJ Hitman and the DM II. I also have a real soft spot for TK/BC wooden yoyos. I was active with the Xtreme Spinners yoyo club for a couple of years until it went into hibernation.
I also enjoy canoeing and camping, as well as pretending to fish occasionally.
Shoot me a PM if you have a question or need assistance.