Me, 2nd video and im 12

Alright this is the video, Im using my kk, i make a lot of grammer mistakes and bla bla bla. Comment please :slight_smile:

How long have you been yoyoing?


Make your title less annoying, get a black shirt, learn to bind from Trapeze the right way, and straighten your throws. I believe I told you all of that in your last video. Notice how putting in the KK didn’t change it.

nailed it

Ive been yoyoing for 2 months and onto Xdohl…I have to do the double thing while in a trapeze to get it to bind, which always makes me need to take my DM apart. I know the KK doesnt really change anything , sheesh. Still thanks for replying.

I haven’t actually watched the video yet since I have cruddy wifi, but I’m assuming by what was said that you are binding with the spin of the yoyo, instead of against it. You can’t actually bind properly from a trapeze. You have to roll onto the string the other way, so the loop is on the opposite side of the yoyo.

Xdohl is just being honest, and trying to help. Practice should help you with everything! Just keep at it, and listen to the advice that’s offered!

I’ll make sure to actually watch the video once I have better internet. :stuck_out_tongue:


Not meaning to put you off or anything but actually learn how to do stuff remotely properley before you start making videos I think it will save you al ot of stick that you get off people, not nesesarily off of this forum because people on here are nice but I mean YouTube they will give you a lot of grief, they’re just gonna pick at everything.

Not to be mean but, we did not need to see Rock the Baby on this forum. Lol.

WOW you guys are dicks. this dude is just tryin to show off what he has learned. no need to be so harsh and just remember, YOU WHERE AT THAT LEVEL ONCE. also he’s just a 12 year old its not like he’s samad and could do white budda at 3 years old. (lol) …dude you did good, keep practicing and in your next vid try to work on your binds and camera angle, but keep up the good progress.

You can be 12 and totally be beast.
Everyone is trying to tell him to at least to put more effort into making his video so it is not a struggle for viewers to watch.

When you are first learning, its much easier to iron out the bad habits such as backwards binding, the criticism is good because he will learn to be better in the end.

sorry but thats jerkish. and saying “not to be mean” doesnt excuse the comment, guess what, its still mean. and i love a good rock the baby once in a while

Not to be mean, but you need to practice more…
Well, I was like that when I started yoyoing…
If you want to impress people, you need to work it out…
-Learn how to bind
-Better lighting
-And some combos
And I think that’s enough… :wink:

1 thing…
Rock the Baby will impress babies and kids… ;D

people…no negative comments…lets help this guy out…positive, but constructive critisism is okay…

WOW!!! Since when has anyone been to cool for Rock the Baby!?!?!?!? We have all taken the time to learn that trick. I’m no god w/ my yoyo, I do hold my own, but to see others just trashing someone for Rock the Baby, come on!! So, should it be removed from the “Learn” section of the site? How about Walk the Dog. Rock the Baby is probably the second most requested trick next to Walk the Dog so to say “we did not need to see Rock the Baby on this forum” is just an incorrect statement. We need more of the “beginner” tricks thrown in w/ the more technical to remind us were we started from. With that said, good job JakeKoffer, and keep up the progress. One day you will post a vid that will drop the jaws of those whom dog you now. Also, this is in no way directed to those who have tried to help.

Very good start, but you can show off your skills with out telling us what they are.

Hey, if he didn’t post the video…

  • He’d be less able to make a good video (ignore the “you’re not good enough to be making a video” comments, by the way).
  • He wouldn’t know he was binding wrong from Trapeze.
  • “Rock the Baby” fiasco wouldn’t have reminded us that we aren’t too kool 4 skool

So all in all, I think it was a pretty successful 4 minutes.

My constructive criticism:
-Learn how to edit videos a little bit. No fancy transitions or music overlays or anything, just how to cut out parts like screwing up.  :smiley: It cuts down on the video time, which makes people less inclined to put nasty comments on your video. I’m sure you have Windows Movie Maker on your computer. Use that; it’s easy.

-Write down ahead of time a general idea of what you are going to do. Practice it. It’ll cut down on “Umm,” and "uhhh"s, and make the whole thing a lot less awkward of an experience.

You don’t have to be good to make a video. Of course you don’t. But you should put a little bit of effort into the video itself, if for nothing else than to make constructive criticism easier to obtain. The black behind you is important, and bringing the camera a little closer is nice. Also work on having the proper orientation of yourself vs. the camera. Face the camera when you’re doing tricks from a breakaway, and when you’re doing tricks in front of you, judge whether you should be facing it or turned to the side.

Hahahaha, thanks guys. I feel like making a cool video with clips, Ive gotten smoother. I can bind sideways. And about the lighting Ill change the camera to brighter. I appreciate all of you standing up for me and the “criticism” I don’t see it as criticism actually but more like advice. I just did Rock the Baby to show you guys a way I found out how to do it, but when I was a nub and saw Rock the Baby I was like !@#%^&*())(*&^%#@!!@#$%^&*(), thing is Im going to really miss turning around from sideways sleeper and doing a front-style bind from there. Also, Im not that sure on how to cut down videos…Ill learn.

“ive had people ask me to walk the dog”
and then totally go like

“no rock the baby”

if you never learned those tricks people will not be as intrested in youtr yo-yoing