
then he threw down the stickers in disgust and muttered “that aint no yoyoexpert sticker” >:(

Then He drop kicked the bird all the way to new zealand. THEn he did forty push ups in the gym, passed out so they had to take him t the hospital.

the hospitol then gave him a stick of banana flavored gum :stuck_out_tongue:

Which he spit inot the eye of a nurse. She had to wear an eyepach and decided to become a pirate. He decided to b a young pirate on her boat.

Titanic moment. The boat crashes into giant iceberg and sinks.

He screems: “I’m king of the world!”

Then flies away with renewed griffon powers.


But they grow back

THEN he goes to the gods of yye and they take away his griffoness. i guess that how u say it

But due to an ancient curse placed on him 18 generations ago, not even the Gods power could reduce him back to a human, and his very DNA is stranded into the being of a griffon, and he realizes that he may just have to accept who he is for there seems to be no solution for turning him into human form, or any form that is not a griffon for that matter.

But then I change that through this thread because I can and now I’m a pegasus.

He then thinks my life is like a whole bunch of werd people just sitting here typing my life no matter what i want to do

…then he figures it out and find out that people IS tying his life out and decided to hunt them down
one by one…

and hes going to kill you, tombstone, first. Then hes going to go for adogaus, and then yoyofoot, and then jayyo, lastly, turtleyo.

How am I going to kill Josh and turtleyo after I kill myself?


and then I do all of those and blow up youtube… twice…

tombstone is killed easily with hardly a fight. ;Dlol adogaus defends and he gives up and moves to the others. He tinks maybe they rnt as cool and hard as adogaus ;D

lol :D, but he is worng because he will have to fight Grand Master turtleyo

But as turtle yo senses fear he crawls up into his shell. Adogaus says it seems as though all yye gods except for adogaus r pretty weak lol ;D just playing with u guys and yes u turtle lol ;D

then he becomes upset and decides to take down turtleyo then goes Straight for…JAYYO ! ! ! ;D

Kills him with no problemo. lol just playing no offense

once that bussiness is out the way he goes on the look for the person responble
for his life sucking and that is i heart yoyo