Mail Days of September Made My Wife Say "yo crazy"

I’ve been yoyoing off and on for over 25 years. You can tell when from the dating of these throws. My ealiest were yomega x brain, fireball, rbII, Bumble Bee, da bomb, raider and more. Several of them have gone missing over the years but I was able to keep up with a few of my 90s favorites. Here is a picture of my earliest throws (in the back) to my newest (front). You can see from the photo, how they have progressed over the years. I get away from them but always end up coming back to my hand lol.

1st picture

Turbo Bumble Bee x2

Brain x2

Da Bomb

Proyo II

Raider Ex x2




Spin factor x

Dv888 (2011)



Replay Pro

Yo3 Hertz



These are what I’ve been using for years. I have loved them all and thrown them a ton.

The following is what made my wife say “yo crazy”

About 2 weeks ago I went a little wild buying a lot of things I’ve been wanting. It’s started with a couple of One Drops but soon turned into more… and more. I can now officially say, I’m an addict lol :laughing:.

Horizon (white rainbow)

Summer Solstice

Shutter (gold)

Da capo (markmont)

Thorn (pink/orange hs)

Aitch (green)

Fat Tire (clear)

Fat Tire (Saturday Market)

Diorama (shadow kat)

Freesolo (orange)

Vanguard (hairband)

Top Deck (blue)

Top Deck (b/w cerakote)

G2 Banshee 22 AL7 (haunted waters)

Mk1 RSO (red)

Also have a legend wing, 2 loop 720s and a snack on the way.

Out of all these… you may ask, what are your favorites so far? Well, I haven’t had a ton of time but a few do stand out.

The top decks are both amazing and are probably my favorites (dead smooth and silent) the Diorama and Banshee are a close second, Aitch is pretty good but the biggest surprise?? The Horizon! I can not believe how good it is, price for performance… its my absolute favorite :heart_eyes: . I don’t know if it played this well new but I did buy it off bst so pads and bearing may be new. This thing spins longer than any of them and lands tricks effortlessly. I will say it’s not as smooth or quiet as some of the others.

That’s it for now, I hope yall enjoyed. Have a great day my friends