Magnesium Yoyo?

In the One Drop poll it had magnesium as an option for a yoyo material. Are there any magnesium yoyos and are they any good?

Duncan Freehand MG and General-Yo Magnum were both production run. One Drop made a magnesium Project for Ernie of General Yo.

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I was curious about the Freehand MG. Anyone have one? Anything special about it other than its collectibility?

What is the “One Drop poll”?

Magnesium is an awesome material in that it has the same strength as aluminum but only around 2/3s of the weight. Here is my Duncan MG. It’s not like she plays better than most of the yoyos today, but she’s very unique and a very different type of YoYo to throw. Second pic is of the raw magnesium, which oxidizes extremely quickly.

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Not only that, but magnesium also also flammable in powder form. You seriously do not want to burn yourself with that stuff!

Also, I know that Shinobu “S.kon” Konmoto had hand-made the prototype of the Freehand Mg out of magnesium. Link:

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