Death Robot Mg YoYo

I doubt I will be able to afford it but I really want Kyo’s new yoyo.

That would look super sexy sitting next to my Alph that I still play with to this day!!

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Looks outstanding!

That definitely looks amazing, I definitely won’t be able to afford it.

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Me neither. Magnesium with stainless steel weight rings? That sounds to be such a cool composite of materials, even by Kyo standards!

Walk the dog would be amazing.
So many sparks.

Ti sparks, Mg and Steel don’t

Oh. For some reason I thought Mg was what they used in the “flint and steel” sticks.
My bad.

This yoyo looks wickedly cool. Can’t wait to try one out once they’re ready.

So someone will trade me one of these for my Duncan butterfly, right :wink:

Mg is used in fire starters with a steel striker. However Mg in solid from won’t spark or ignite (which is good, because this would be horribly dangerous otherwise).

Certain steels spark when you hit them with, say, a grinder. (some more than others…) Just hitting the concrete likely isn’t enough to create many if any sparks though.



Now I get it. Thanks!

Wow, that really is the best name for a yoyo ever. :smiley: It looks great!

I got to chat with Kyo last night on the YYE chatroom, and he mentioned something about the prototype having been at this year’s California State Yo-Yo Contest getting rave reviews. Not only that, but he also said that when it’s released, it’ll retail for about $450 USD. That’s as much as the original Duncan Freehand Mg ($400-$450) when it was first released in 2004, and ten dollars less than the old YYF Catch 22.

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Darn! That stinks

I’ve been wanting another magnesium throw for so long now. I’ll buy one. It will look good next to my Mg and Magnum. Excellent!

Want very badly :o

bit out of my price range but i would buy this before a ti yoyo.

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looks super awesome, and super impossible for me to obtain.

Then you have all ready failed.

Best magnesium ever.

here it is in the garden. Thanks Kyle!