Death Robot Mg YoYo

Great stuff. Still my #1 all time grail. How do you like it? I wish I would see more Magnesium projects every now and then. I get why few want to undertake such a project, but still.

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I thought my Mg was great until I got my Magnum; which was my all time favorite throw until this. Two dings so far, one from snapped string, that ceramic coating needed to have the Knapp wore down with some denim. The second ding was me without shoes over concrete, apparently I’m taller in my shoes. Who knew?

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Ahh.I forgot about the Magnum. Never had a chance to try one. I was originally drawn to the DR because of the materials, but it is one of the best performers in my collection. An absolute joy to throw around. I sometimes wonder what a Ti version would be like… Or any remake for that matter.

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This thing rocks. Quite possibly the best thing in the case.