Yes they are available through a few Chinese stores, not yet in the US.
There are two modles
M001- has side caps
M001-b - has added alloy weight rings.
And I also saw a couple brand new modles on Luke Renners Google+ that looked awesome
Okay cool I didnt know the name of the splashed one
And yes the silcencer does have sidecaps
But there is 2 models of the silencer
One with side caps, and one with weight rings.
-and if you really want the purple line try to shoot an email to Shadow @Magic China and he may be able to help you out, it is defaintly worth getting.
Nice reviews! I liked the fact that you mentioned some other throws that you felt were similar in terms of quality and play. One “problem” with the fact that the MYY yo-yos are so inexpensive is that it can be hard to tell which market segment they’re meant to be targeting.
Well if you watch part 2 I kinda break down briefly how they are able to keep their prices low, but most of their marketing target is through international trade sites like Alibaba by the 100s and even 1,000s and then resold by third party dealers, I would say eBay and Amazon account for a heavy percent of their “to customer sales”