Magic Drop

Hey guys
Am I doing magic drop correctly?
I have watched the video several times but cant tell if Im doing it right

Nope, you’re hitting the other string, you’re supposed to hit the string closest to you.

Not necessarily true. The magic drop is the rejection. The string you will be landing on will depend on the trick. Like how Kamikaze requires the back string. If you get the string to reject and you land on a string then you’re doing fine ;D

Thanks :slight_smile:

A little trick I use to get the rejection. Tilt your throw hand palm to face upwards. If that makes any sense. Helps me out. I got this trick down in a week with the tip I was given. Which I am now giving you.

As he is having doubt, and based on the online tutorials out there, I assumed that he is learning Shockwave, and for Shockwave you are supposed to hit the other string, closest to your body.

I land on the outside, but I can’t dismount. When I try to, string becomes knotted mess.

I love how the minion is freaking out over your yoyo. :smiley:

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