Mach Whip

What tricks can be done from mach whip (houdini whip)? I’ve seen pros hop the yoyo and zigzag, cross their arms, etc. Can anyone help me? I think it’s gonna look pretty cool.

How about gryolutions it’s basically a slacky gyroscopic flop.

Oh yea, I tried that but well I couldn’t recatch the string :stuck_out_tongue:

then practice more. It’s worth learning.

You can transition into wrist mount.

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SSOOOOOOOO MANY!!! It would be pointless to list them all exspecially since most don’t have names.

Is there tutorials for the tricks from mach whip?

Yeah rethink Yoyo skills has a good Mach whip tutorial.

I meant… Is there a good tut on some tricksor combos from mach whip… I already know how to do mach whip so… ;D

Kamikaze. it starts with the Houdini mount to get into the mount, but you could just use the whip. there’s a good yyn tutorial on youtube. its an awesome trick. pretty easy to learn too!