Im going to break down my review into two parts again like I did with the G5…
Alright, one thing I gotta ask, why do all yoyo companys use the flat rate shipping boxes?! No big deal I guess but Onedrop taped the crap outta this box… I had to cut it open with a knife! Rambo style of course…
So I open up the box and inside is a Ondrop sticker (I love stickers, but it’s black… And so is my laptop ) Inside was also a page from the October 1 Eugene Weekly… (Not the funnies though… )
And last but not least… A very, very small box. This is my first Undersized yoyo, and I thought. Hmm whats 5-6 mm? Thats nothing… WOW! This yoyo is TINY! I got red/green, and the anno is amazingly georgeous (sp?) and smooth.
So far Im a little upset, its responsive, and dies very fast… I hope it gets better after the break in…
Did you try pulling the bearing shields off and clean it? I have the same problem on my M1s and i figure a little cleaning and thin lube will do the trick.
Anyway, you seem to be taking the same trail as me on metals. Now, you gotta trade your G5 to someone for an 09 888. Then you will buy a Skyline, and sell your M1 for a Dv888. Eventually you will have a good deal come up, and you will be able to trade for your old G5 back.
Im doing it in two parts. If you’ve read my G5 review I did the same. In about a week or two I’ll add to it and finish it up, this way all the first thoughts are freash in my mind still
How long should it take to break in anyways? I’ve been playing it all day and its still responsive