Ok so I was reading: what is your favorite yoyo setup: and almost everyone said they lube their bearings with OD v4m lube. What do you prefer?
I really like V4M and use it whenever I lube my bearings. I’ve also used YYJ’s Thin Lube and several brands of trumpet valve oil, all with successful results.
I use V4M because I find it breaks in more quickly than the other types of lube I’ve tried and has always provided consistent results. That on top of the fact that it is very affordable make it my lube of choice.
Brain lube works for me. Apply a bit and blow off the excess w/compressed air. Works great.
Also known as Synco Super Lube:
Super Lube(R) Oil with Syncolon(R) (PTFE)
I Terrapin X Dry Play treat my bearings.
Whatever way you do go, just keep in mind, less is more. Whatever you expect to use, halve or quarter it. It’s easier to add a touch more than have to clean out and start over.
For lube, I always used duncan lube, a very tiny amount
Does Duncan even sell lube??
Screw lube, I spent Like 8$ got myself acetone and some terrapin dry lube, every since bearing I own has dry terrapin lube, nothing else is needed
I use YYJ thick cause I like a little response. I also use sewing machine oil to keep it in good condition.
If you want a responsive bearing do not use TX DryLube…
I have never heard of that lube before. like I said I like a little response not a whole lot a little.
I believe that’s why she chose the product she did…
I Terrapin X Dry Play treat my bearings.
Whatever way you do go, just keep in mind, less is more. Whatever you expect to use, halve or quarter it. It’s easier to add a touch more than have to clean out and start over.
I overlubed mine and they were OK.
Studio42:I Terrapin X Dry Play treat my bearings.
Whatever way you do go, just keep in mind, less is more. Whatever you expect to use, halve or quarter it. It’s easier to add a touch more than have to clean out and start over.
I overlubed mine and they were OK.
If OK is just good enough that’s OK for you…

Screw lube, I spent Like 8$ got myself acetone and some terrapin dry lube, every since bearing I own has dry terrapin lube, nothing else is needed
Truth right here. Acetone and Dry Play all day erry day. Only thing I put in my bearings.

All viscus lube will create drag, thick or thin. TX DryPlay will not…