Lots of new releases

I myself have not bought a new throw since about march. I was having slight financial issues but i started a new job a couple weeks ago giving me some extra cash. I have already got a fixie made by the great @Glenacius_K that i will be getting shortly. Aside from that I would like to buy one more this week. Any suggestions? Thinking on the lines of the new releases/ restocks. I do have a few in mind, just kind of curious of other peoples suggestions.


What type of shapes and sizes and materials do you like?

Ive only been throwing for @round a year, i dont exactly have a preference. I have yet to buy a shape that i dont like. Lately organics have been feelin nice but im open minded. I dont care for bi metals, so i guess there is that.

Do you like wide or narrow? What yo-yos do you already have? What’s the amount you want to spend roughly?

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60 and under is my ideal price range. As far as width goes thats another area that i havnt developed a preference. I have just a few OD, terrarian, vangaurd, Overture, which i love so i do have the gauntlet in mind. I have all skyvvas. Only real duncan i have is a Windrunner and i keep that in rotation. The roadrunner is one on my radar as well.

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Of recent releases under $60 this would be my pick

If you don’t have a YYF Confusion and are open to responsive metals I would get that too.

I don’t know that I would grab the Gauntlet if you already have an Overture.

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Thank you for your suggestion. I was just checking that one out, i like the looks and all the awesome colorways. Sounds like a winner. I havnt really played much metal responsive, i may have to look in to that.

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The Confusion (or some other responsive metal) is something I think any 1A yoyoer should have one of. It’s super interesting to play with after only using wide unresponsives for a while.


I hear the TopYo SELENE is very good.

The Hotdiggity has seemed popular since it’s release last week. Might be worth getting some impressions on that one. Personally, the laser engraving on the rim is a put off, otherwise I would have probably picked one up.


My problem is that I find solids super dull aesthetically so regardless of engraving… it’s a solid.

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I’m mostly in this camp as well, but I have the blue Fianchetto and it’s real pretty.

That’s not truly a solid in my book, it’s kinda iridescent being a titanium finish.

I am that way as well. I really have only bought solids as a last resort. Im a sucker for a cool splash. Im thinkin i may just have to bite the bullet here and buy more than one. Ill definitely get a confusion. Seeing as i dont really have any good metal responsive throws it does make sense to get one.

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Absolutely cannot go wrong with the Confusion. It is so great. And I love the Ritter.


On the Ritter, is the cup a innie or a outie?

The RiTTER has an innie, for fingerspins.


Thank you, thats what i was thinking but i have a hard time telling from photos. That is what i was hoping for.

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