Lord of the flies


I have started working on lord of the flies today, and I have watched rei’s tutorial as well as the “you know who” app.

I am nearly there. I just cannot grasp how to get to brent stole while pinching the string that close to the yoyo.

I tried releasing and whipping at the same time, first release then whip, first whip and then release, the string always whips around the yoyo and sometimes it even makes the yoyo precess

Any tips?

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Hi George,

Sorry mate I had to youtube it because I had no idea what you were talking about lol I do this trick for years without even know what it was called, it was quite a famous combo years ago.

Just seen the trick, so basically you have to release everything, you keep pinching doing that horizontal plane circular movement of the whip than you release, use your wrist to whip that bad boy, is all a wrist movement is like you rotate the wrist in horizontal and then vertical plane.

What you can do is also try do it in phases, you do first the horizontal part, then the vertical part that connect to brent stole

Here is pinching


Than release:


And between the pinching and release you already command the wrist to do the movement to form the whip for the brent stole, is honestly all about timing, at that point it become sort of a “normal brent stole”


I can do the horizontal part no problem. It is the final whop that gives me a hard time.

You talk about a wrist whip. So from what I understand Ido not have to move my throw hand in the original whip position for brent stole.( If you do bt, you pinch right after the slipknot).

For this one, the throw hand jndex must be “in the middle”, meaning between the yoyo and the slipknot. Right?

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I can record a video and send it to you on Instagram once I am back home.

But yes you are right, it seems a weird movement at the beginning because is sort of unnatural and not how you normally do a brent stole but the dynamics is pretty much the same, I am quite sure that is messing you up, the fact that the rotation for the brent stole is weird

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A video would be great. You are the best Albertino!!! If you make the video, please focus on the last part. (Slowmo maybe?). Please focus on the position of the throw hand fingers during the whip.

The rest, I nailed down second try thanks to rei Iwakura’s tutorial.


For me, right after the horizontal whip I unpinch and then it’s just like a regular Brent stole

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I will try that tomorrow. Thanks.