looping yoyos

i want to try looping so what some good looping yoyos, also did anybody tried the loop 360?

Try a loop 808, everybody loves it

900 or a modded Raider are your best choices.

i said this in another topic too.

do yourself a favor and buy this pro pack http://shop.yoyoexpert.com/product/937
it has 2 Loop900 and a Shaqler Star for only $35. this deal is really great!

Loop900 are really good looping yoyos, but most people overlook them due to their high price tags.
but now, no one has any excuse for not buying them in the next 2 days!

I am kind of a beginner at 2a, but I can get 8 straight 2 handed loops. I have both loop900’s the unleashed’s. I like the unleashed somewhat better, but I still have to get used to the loop900. The loop900 is kind of difficult to get the gap just right. I personally really enjoy the unleashed.