Does anyone know of any good loopers? I’ve looked into the Unleashed and the loop 900 but are they really that good? I will pay as much as $25. I’ve NEVER done looping before so any suggestions?
loop 900’s are really good and are well worth the price and if your ever gonna do 2A, then i suggest finding a deal on getting 2 for a lower price, the loops come with a tool to adjust the gap to widen or tighten it to adjust the responsiveness, ive owned a pair for a few months now and they are still going strong,
but if price is an issue, then i would suggest the yyf firedog or hyper raiders, both really good looping yoyos and for a fraction of the price, you could get 2 of them for about the same price as 1 loop 900
hope this helps ^^
Looping yoyos typically tend to be on the lower end of the price spectrum. Don’t read this as “cheap”, just merely “not big ticket items” yet still quality all the way.
The Unleashed is my current choice, but I am also learning looping too. I also intend to get a pair of Loop900’s as well. I also have other loopers as well.
For me, I can’t justify paying RecRev Reverb pricing for a 2A yoyo yet. Maybe I never will.
Just keep in mind loopers are often bought in pairs. Single sales are always fine. You are also seeing how that doubling up can be a big jump. Unleashed for $38/pair, vs nearly $50/pair for Loop900’s. That $12 difference sounds bigger when you see the bottom line numbers.
BST has a lot of stuff out there, including Loop900’s, Unleashed and more. Good way to save some money.
Sorry, who or what is BST?
A BST is short for buy/sell/trade. It is a yye forum where people buy, sell, and trade their yoyos
Thanks guys but what should I look for in a looping yoyo

Thanks guys but what should I look for in a looping yoyo
For looping yoyos, there is really no way to tell the ‘feel’ other than by trying. For 1A, the shape and weight can help you to choose the best yoyo for your needs. For 2A, since most of them look similar, and have similar specs, you really have to try one to see which one fits you best. If you have a yoyo store near your place, or have a friend with looping yoyos, you should try them to see if they fit your preferences. Otherwise, I’d say, just go with either the Loop 900 or the Unleashed.
Try the Duncan speed beetle super cheap and really smooth when I got it I was blown away by it the price is 5 bucks at ollies cause i saw some looping yoyos there however when I used it it was totally worth ten so you can find. Yoyos five dollars you can find yo-yos. Cheaper know that!!
The duncan bumblebee is also pretty good for it’s price and it’s really good for beginner loopers.About $10 each or $20 for a pair!!!That’s less the a loop900 but then again,does not play as good as the loop900 either.
I bought two fireballs when I started out looping. But honestly, i’d skip that step and go straight for something good since the price difference isn’t that much.
Personally, I like the Unleashed
I have a pair of Loop 720’s, a pair of Raider Ex’s, a pair of Duncan Pulse, a Fireball and 4 Unleashed.
Ignore the numbers though. Although my numbers say that I like the Unleashed, and I do recommend the Unleashed.
I had a pair, but when I was out, I left them at home, so when I was at the Sunshine Kite Company, they had them in white and a light blue and I just had to have those colors.
The Loop 900s had a problem with the first run, but the odds of you getting those are slim to none. But, I think they have a new model, the 808, coming out, which is at a better price and might be worth checking out.
Still, I am recommending the Unleashed.
Here’s my latest looper - a Rec Rev Reverb, modified with 128 jewels…making a flash with pinwheels in ol’ red, white and blue.
ehh, i would go with 2 ti walkers…so good for looping