Looping practice question

So I’ve been doing some looping lately and have a quick question.

When I start losing control of my yo…should I stop completely and start again?
Or is it okay to throw a few wacky, completely out of control loops until I gain control again and then keep on keeping on?

I’ve been working my way through instead of stopping when I can. Can hit 100+ loops doing so (not including the out of control ones).
But wanted to ask those who have more experience as I’m not sure if this will develop poor habits in the future.

Thanks guys! :slight_smile:


I’d say it depends where your technique is at. If your first few loops have some wonky ones better to restart. But if your technique is solid and you’re 10 loops in and it gets a little wonky but you can correct them within 2 additional loops that’s fine as long as it’s not constantly back and forth between good and bad loops.


Most players recommend the classic old school logic to newish players to only practice perfect loops so if you mess up, stop, then start again.

Some people do suggest trying to play through it for a few loops to practice recovery though, most notably off the top of my head, our national champion the UNPRLD Tyler Hsieh recommends this


Great plan! I like this! :smiley: Thanks Durfs.


Early on you don’t want to practice bad loops. However, being able to realign/nudge your loops back to the ideal tilt is an important skill down the road. If you’re hitting 100+ loops in a row you may be at that point, although looping yo-yos can be pretty forgiving these days to allow you to keep going. If you’re realigning your loops often, I would recommend starting over. If it’s not that often… hard for me to say.

Edit: similar advice given above! Good.


Awesome, this is just what I needed to know! Thanks guys!


how might one loop

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I’m not sure if you are asking what looping (2A style) is, but if you are, here’s a video of what looping is:


if this was meant for me it was a joke bc i can’t loop

go Wacky!

I learned to loop in the olden days, and I can still unwind a string on inside loops w/ my right hand. I can’t remember who taught me, but I learned the “only perfect loops” way, but with counting up. So, 1 perfect loop, catch. 2 perfect, catch. 3 perfect, catch, etc. You screw up, you start back at one. As I recall, by the time I could get to 25 or so, I was super consistent. Then I learned to correct imperfect tilt.


This is great! I’ll be using this method from here out! Really appreciate it! :smiley:

Oh no, I don’t think he meant it as a joke to you!
I think he thought you might be asking what looping was, and he was just giving you an example of what looping is.
As for where to start, here’s a vid that might help:


@twitch77 @zslane sent a video of what looping is and i knew what looping is but i made a joke about how does someone d it?

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@JWaugh what have you done?

I am so very sorry


I don’t get it :thinking:

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Nothing to do with you. Just a certain over eager user who is new to the online forum experience. Honestly not that bad I’m just a grump.


lol :slight_smile: you’re not alone though I can hardly judge…I get over eager from time to time myself! haha


Invited By: JWaugh


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