so i’m assuming Imperial yoyos are better for looping then Butterfly?
- Butterfly
- Imperial
and what shape Imperial should i get i know there are rounder ones and closer to a Butterfly design then Imperial
which ones should i get?
so i’m assuming Imperial yoyos are better for looping then Butterfly?
and what shape Imperial should i get i know there are rounder ones and closer to a Butterfly design then Imperial
which ones should i get?
FYI, loopers are typically “modified” shape, which I think is what you’re probably thinking of when you say “Imperial”. At least, that’s what I was told back in the '90s.
I also hear them often referred to as Raider shaped, from the Yomega Raider (which is terrible out of the box, don’t get one of those @PCaliyoyos). Loop 720 is good, Initiator looks good, and the iyoyo Sunrise looks good. If you want something cheap the Loop 360 isn’t bad. Duncan makes a decent looper too that’s pretty inexpensive.
Modified is exactly what i was thinking of
ok awesome! i’ll look into the 360 thanks!
It might not be the best choice as it has pads instead of a starburst like most new loopers, but I really like it. Just be careful when you oil the bearing; if you get any oil on the pads they expand and pop off and you will have to replace them. Can’t beat the price though.
Have you done any looping before? It’s really fun, but basic loops can take a very long time to learn. It’s definitely something you should learn though.
nope i have not done any looping but i randomly wanted to start 2A yesterday so we’ll see what happens!
ok i’ll be careful of that
Cool man. Some people just skip it these days, but it’s great to learn. Looping yos are great fun just to throw too.
i have 2 responsive Butterfly yoyos and i was messing around this morning and i did two breakaways at once… the string tangled BOTH yoyos hit me in the forehead course’ i started yelling (“yelling” as in saying “ow” lol) and speed walking (for some reason) and my brothers just looked at me said “are you ok?! how many fingers am i holding up?!”
Looping is fun, don’t get overly frustrated if you’re not making the progress you want immediately, it’s arguably the hardest style.
I’d also suggest either the Loops or the Sunrises, and avoid the Initiators. I’m sure they’re great for advanced 2A players but they’re a bit heavier than average and switching to my Sunrises was a much more pleasant experience.
ok cool thanks Durfee!
Get a pair of Yoyofactory loop 720’s
Modified shape is better for looping, but a real classic butterfly shape is better for milks, but obviously its better to learn on actual loopers, so buy 720s and crank em
I totally agree on the Sunrise. Out of the box, one of the best Loopers I own. 720s are good too. Oracles will be easier on your strings (starbursts are the best response but string shredders) since they use Silicone response, making learning more consistent. Finally, I love the Loop2020. The Shu Takada setup is amazing. Hands down favorite along with my Sunrises.
Spend time learning with each hand and realize it will take a very long while to become competent. One of the best feelings I’ve had since landing Spirit Bomb the first time.
i looked at the 720’s they are $17-$18? is this EACH? or $17 for two?
That’s each. Duncan Hornets are a bit more affordable.
Its each. I think theyre worth it tho. Can also go with hornets like mark said.
does YYE sell it?