Must try looper?

Started with loop 720 then bought sochi loop spinners. My favorite has been a set of initiators until last week when I tried a hornet. Have a jpl loop up I should try again. Any other loopers that are worth trying?

Sunrise. New colors coming in soon. 720 body with B bearing.

You can also just buy the kit and install it.

Loop Classic

Blitz balls or dragon balls are not available on YYE but are inexpensive. IIRC they are same body as the Loop Spinners.


Are B bearing loopers better than the size bearing that comes in Duncan’s looping yoyos?

It’s all just different. You find what you like and what works for you. Some people find the response on a B bearing to be more consistent, but it’s really all just personal preference.

Thanks for the recommendations. I bought a sunrise bearing kit awhile ago thinking they were normal loop 720 bearing and didn’t use them when. I realized they were the wrong type. That loop classic looks interesting has flat caps like the hornet.


I want to try the new YJYoyo Paranoia but I don’t want to import them from Korea myself :sweat_smile:

They have a replaceable starburst which might be a bit gimmicky.


I have a set of loop classics (I got the holiday ones and put in loop 720 stuff), and personally I really like them, they’re fun
But I might not be the most reliable source as the only loopers I have are those and a set of 720s :sweat_smile: :joy:


Yeah I want their metal loopers too but I can’t mentally bring myself to pay that much


May have to check them out. Been wanting a metal looper.

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Good for checking string tensile strength :joy:


What would be cool is a looper that had the soft feel of the rbc. Basically just a slimmer rbc would make such a cool looping YoYo but it would also be an expensive looper. Also pads aren’t great for looping so would have to figure out a starburst response system for that. All things that scream money

Would it be possible to 3D print a pad replacement that sat in the recess and acted like a starburst (with worthwhile performance)? :thinking:


That’s an interesting idea. They also sell the loop 2020 starburst could possibly modify those.

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RBC can be modded to use a different pad most likely. Or modded to have the starburst from another looper. Just throwing out ideas. I dont own a yoyo that uses the size bearing the RBC does.

I feel like injection molded plastic is the best way to go for loopers. It keeps them cheap. I can get a pair of 720s or Sunrises or whatever else for less than a single 1a yo-yo.

This way I have no issue replacing them when the starburst wears out or if a new color comes out that I want.

2A is already difficult, I see no need to make it more expensive than it has to be lol the barrier of entry is already hard enough


Yeah I need a new starburst for one of my 2020 I accidentally tightened it a tad much and broke the starburst…

Absolutely any metal looper is a niche in an already tiny niche and for collectors and enthusiasts not entry or anything of the sort.

Only reason injection molded is cheap is they expect to sell a butt load to make the money back on the mold. Honestly the margins on loopers aren’t great until the mold is paid off so injection molds are a gamble every time.

I like the idea of 3d printing a looper yjyoyo has been doing that for a bit and the margins have to be fantastic once the machine is paid off and even then the bar of entry to fdm printing isn’t all that bad.

There we go heck why stop at 90g who has a BTH let’s loop one of those.

I think between the 720 body, the blitz ball body (both are being constantly rebranded and private labeled), the initiator, the hornet, and the loop up we have enough options lol. All have paid back the investment by a huge margin I’m sure.

Part of what’s helping me in my journey is picking a setup and sticking to it. I’m not jumping all around with different equipment. All of my current pairs are exactly the same so I can focus on actual learning rather than “getting to know” my yo-yos

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I know that if you flow Ultra-Grey into RBC pad recess and get it as flush as you can…you get a major increase in response. I have found that flowing Grey in one side and leaving the pad in the other results in very loop-worthy response. :grin::+1:

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