
From what i hear Sunset trajectory, modded Raiders and Raider EX are at the top of most people’s list for looping.
In your experience which of these (or any other i guess) looping yoyo is your favorite?

Those are good but loop 720’s and 900’s are also really good. From what I hear.

I heard 900’s were yyf contest team only.

Loop 900’s are Hyper Raiders with YYF Print on Them.

Really? cool. :o maybe after i get used to my nxg’s i’ll get some.

my favorite loopers are 720s

ohh yea the 720s. Those were on the list too, but i forgot about them. The 720s seem to have a lot of fans too, eh?

yea, what they said before is true about them being contest only prizes. good luck finding one. Hopefully YYF will release a public version of them.