Loop 900 out of the box questions

SO I got my first Loop 900 - so I have a couple questions

first one is simple - does it normally come with a string? Because mine didn’t. It’s just a string - BUT - I know that the “recomendation” is to NOT use a 100% poly string (I know many people on here say it’s just fine) - all I have is poly strings, so I thought I’d give whatever string they send a try (assuming it’s either a 50/50 or cotton)… but, as said, no string - wasn’t sure if that was normal; all my other YYF’s came with at least one string, if not two.

ADJUSTMENT ??? - there’s only a 1mm difference in adjustment - so where do most people fall, where have you found that sweet spot? All the way in, All the way out? Middle? I know it’s a matter of preference and dialing it in - but I was curious what most of you are doing…

Other than those things - I like the weight (using a poly string right now, haven’t noticed any issues) - my only “looping” yoyo experience has been with cheaper fixed axel throws and a YoMega Raider (unmodified, got it for $5 on an Amazon Christmas sale) - the Loop 900 is quite a bit lighter then the Raider - which suprised me…

I have a pair of Loop 900s and can do a few 2 handed loops at a time, so I’ll do my best to be helpful, even though I probably don’t have much more experience than you.
Adjusting the gap is tricky, but you’ll find your balance after some experimentation. What I did is I started at the tightest setting and then loosened until it felt right. If it tends to loop downward, the gap is too tight. And if it loops up, then it’s too loose.
And in my opinion, you could use just about any string. I know that I like a thicker, sturdier string. I don’t like a soft string. There might be some strings that are more preferred by 2a players, but I don’t have enough experience to say otherwise. I do know, however, that you’ll have to adjust your gap to different thicknesses of string.
I hope that helps.

100% Polyster works fine.
I have Loop 900’s.
For keys
Please do not upt it all the way out and force it
It will CRACK.
Somewhere in the middle
Make sure to turn them both about the same length.
Only DOUBLE twist the string
As that is perfect for looping.

View these over as they will help you:

Yeah… it IS weird that no string was included with the yo-yo. Who did you buy it from? I would give them a talking-to…

I use slick8 string because I have a whole lot of it (talk to me if you want to buy a bundle). All-poly will “work”, but it will be melted by the starburst after a few good, hard throws. That’s the only main reason that all-poly is not recommended. It’s fine for loops, because the yo-yo isn’t sleeping very long. The second reason is that after 2.5 HOURS of practice with all-poly strings, your fingers will be hurting (especially if you have not developed good calluses).

I set my gaps about one half of a turn narrower than the maximum width. I have no idea where your “sweet spot” would be. Just experiment. But try to spend an entire hour with each gap setting before you start fiddling with it.

I also narrow the gap as the string I use starts to wear out. This is what is so great about the LOOP 900: you can change to suit YOUR taste, or YOUR string! And the adjustments are permanent, but can be made indefinitely.


hmm…the string should’ve been included in the packagin’. inside the top of the box.

100% poly will work initially, but as it wears - you’ll find it harder and harder to loop the yo yo. as the string has lil’ to no grab to work w/ the response. this is the same case w/ most string…but 50/50s seem to last longer.

i would start w/ the tightest gap and then move outward from there. that’s how i zeroed in mine…it seemed to work out pretty well.



When I first got then I was at the exact situation… I used cotton and poly… Didn’t notice a difference until I used the second 900 on my weaker side (left) that’s when I noticed that cotton was a bit smoother … Not a huge difference. Oh and adjusting the gap… I was all over the place… I could not make up my mind, it was really hard for my left side lol… Anyways, I put em up on b/s/t and now they are gone …

Good luck though :slight_smile:

If you get into some serious looping then you will need to go to a 50/50 or solid cotton.
Reason is if you loop too long witha poly it will melt and your yoyo will go flying.

I’d recommend slick 8, 50/50 cotton/poly. 100% cotton will tend to wear quickly and break on a looper.

Is slick 8 sold at this store? I’d like to try that out.