Looking into my first Bi-Metal experience! Suggestions please?

Looking into possibly my first Bi-Metal experience! :-[
Suggestions please?

I seem to like yoyo’s shaped like the Avalanche/Sasquatch or Code 2/Rally shapes…
But also do enjoy organic shaped like the Markmont.Classic and the Reply Pro

Was looking for a Space Cowboy at one time but someone mentioned it was heavy feeling, I am not sure I want a heavy feel.
Since then, the Nightmare and Axis Pulsefire have caught my attention… I am also curious about the YYF Mystery X but got frustrated at checkout crashes yesterday and now I am not too sure what that new Bi Metal even looks like.

HELP! I am LOST in this new Bi-Metal world ???


The Space Cowboy, Weekend, and Steel are all relatively heavy feeling. If you’re looking for the not so heavy bi-metals then these are worth looking into:

YoYoFactory Nightmare
C3yoyodesign Krown ST

$60 for mystery box x right now and is apparently a bi metal worth much more than that (have yet to receive my mystery boxes).

Knight and its dropping tomorrow :wink:

The two Bi-metals I have owned are:

YoYoFactory Superstar 2016: Very fast and light playing. You can currently get it for $60 as part of the cyber monday deal! It’s under Mystery Box X and it comes in Blue, Teal, or Black (You dont get to choose though since it’s the mystery box)

Sengoku Nobunaga: Personal favorite. This yoyo is also extremely fast, but has a much more solid feeling than the Superstar. This yoyo doesn’t really know slow, it seems to always want to push the speed limit. It’s extremely stable and has the longest spin times of any yoyo I have ever used. This price is high on this yoyo though.

Sturm Panzers schneider mk-II and Leo Sniper Mk-II

Price is everything. Agree with s3th on the sturm panzer stuff being incredibly light. I think I would get the rave out of the cheeper bimetals.

I picked up the Axis Pulsefire and have been extremely happy. I don’t typically live V profiles, but I love the way it plays. AngryGumball wrote an excellent review of this yoyo that you should check out if it interests you. It’s spot on. Hope that helps.

Axis Pulsefire is hands-down my favourite of the ones I’ve played, and that includes luminaries like the Draupnir and Isotope 2.

Honorable mention to YYO Rave, which has more of that interesting “why is this so light and yet so stable?” feeling that the Draupnir is famous for. But with a better feeling on the throw for my tastes.

I have yet to play a Krown.st. I love the original Krown so much that I suspect it would be an instant favourite, but I can’t say from experience.

Rainfly or Zeekio Volt