Yea, im goin back to basics. I already have a Turbo bumble bee and an exodus but my sister has the bumble bee and my exodus is just too stinkin’ big/heavy. I dont have any thick lube sadly or i’d use it on my DM
- Price: ehh. preferably under 30, but i can go up to 40 if i have to.
- Usage: Getting better at string tricks.
- Mods: Only very simple mods (like overtightening as with the raider)
- Color: i dont really care
- Response: dont care
- Shape: butterfly (or something similar. Imperial…maybe. t would be a lot harder, but probly be worth it i guess). Also, undersized if those exist
- I want a yo-yo that is durable, not fragile.
- Weight: >=60 grams
- responsivity: uhmmm responsive if you didnt get that already.