Looking for a New Yoyo

I used to be super into yoyoing, but for a reason I can’t remember, I quit for around 3 years. I’m back now and looking for a new Yoyo. :smiley:
The qualities I look for in a Yoyo is that it can play fast, is floaty, and is stable. I don’t mind size to much but I prefer on the larger side. I don’t want anything smaller than the G-Funk. I’m open to any suggestions, but some of the yoyos I thought looked good were the:
-Onedrop MarkMont Classic
-Onedrop Cascade
-Monkeyfinger CAESAR
-Monkeyfinger 2Evil
-CLYW Blizzard
-Onedrop Valor
-Onedrop Gradient
-Onedrop Terrarian
-Onedrop T1
-CLYW Borealis
-CLYW Orca
-CLYW Wooly Marmot 2
-CLYW Arctic Circle 2nd expedition

I know that was a long list, but any information you can give me on any of these is really appreciated. The ones that stick out the most are the MarkMont Classic, Blizzard, 2Evil, CAESAR, the attic circle 2, and the Terrarian.

Some of the yoyos I already own are:
-CLYW Chief
-Yoyorecreation Sleipnir
-CLYWxOnedrop Summit
-Onedrop rally
-Rec Rev Sine//Saw
-Yoyofactory G-Funk
-Yoyoofficer Lava
-Duncan Echo 2
-Duncan Torque
-Yoyofactory Shutter
-Yoyofactory Too Hot

Axis Mixtape fits that description almost perfectly. It’s sort of floaty, on the larger side, very stable, and has a decent spin time imo

That one looks nice and the fact that it’s only $40 is awesome. I might pick it up before my birthday thanks!

No problem!

I was also wondering where I could get my YYF Monster fixed, I stripped it a while back and would rather not have to buy a new one

Stripped Yoyo HELP



Given what’s already in your collection you don’t need another yoyo. However, if a new yoyo is what you desire anyways a few of your possible purchases do stand out to me. You can’t go wrong with a MMC, a Valor or a Caesar. If you’re looking for a lot of float, the Arctic Circle 2 fits the bill. If you want more options, you could take a look at the Shout from Amplified. I noticed in the list you posted of your collection that you don’t own a bi-metal. I’m not a huge fan of them personally, but they’ve become more and more popular. iYoYo has a couple of bi-metals, the Steel and FIRROX, you might take a look at.

Anything sengoku would be a nice addition

What is the difference between metal and bi-metal, and why is it becoming a new trend? Do bi-metal yoyo’s play differently? The FIRROX looks amazing.

bi metal has tow metals, generally one of much high density. The purpose is to get as much weight as far from the center of the yoyo as possible. These yoyos typically are more stable while having lower weights.

You already have the Sleipnir, which pretty much fits the bill perfectly. If you want something even faster, more stable and more floaty, the Draupnir is the best choice if you’re willing to save up.