Looking for a new throw, recommendations please

I’m looking for something relatively light (around 64g) stable and not too big for up to 100 dollars. Any recommendations will be highly appreciated. Thank you!

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Could you provide a little more info about your throwing style, experience level, other throws you like, ones you dislike, brands you may be partial to, etc?

This will help folks give a good response to your query. You basically just called a shoe store on the phone and said “I’ve got $100 for some shoes, what should I get?”

Sorry it’s my first post here
So basically I’d like something not too big because I like tech and something not too heavy because I like speed play
I was looking at the radius series( nexus, 7068) and maybe the orbital gtx, although it seems wider than I would enjoy
As for shape, I’d like an H or V shape, as I’d like to get into comp play
As for brands, I don’t really have any preferences except that maybe I really like what c3 has been doing the recent years

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Forgot to mention, my favourite throw is the YYR chopsticks gorilla, so I’ like something that plays similar


Have you checked out the Retic Death Adder? Seems to check at least a few boxes.


Imo the orbital gtx isn’t to big for tech and it’s really floaty and good for speed.

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Grasshopper GTX is close except its 65g, and Janos has some amazing tech.

I’ve been curious about the Chopsticks Gorilla. Could you share some more of your impressions? Thank you!


The closest I’ve found in play compared to the Chopsticks Gorilla would be the Yoyofriends Peregrine or the Ti-Vayder.


Have you looked at the Top Yo Dominator?

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