Looking for a good yoyo under $50

Do you know how to bind the yoyo?
Do you have a price range?
Do you have a certain amount of yoyos narrowed down? List them.
-Level 6
Do you prefer a certain brand ?
What trick are you currently working on?
-Slack Tricks

I’d pass on the versus since it’s undersized. The level 6 is also a little thin. The horizon is oversized but a lot of fun. I think the real choices would be between the shutter and accelerator. The shutter has been tried and everyone agrees it’s amazing. The accelerator is from C3 which has always put out quality products and it has an excellent shape so I bet it’ll come out as a top performer. I think the real difference is whether or not you want a beadblasted throw. The shutter has beadblasted options whereas the C3 does not so I’d let that be the deciding factor.

I guess i’ll get the accelerator , thanks man !