Longest Fingerspin Challenge: Cash Prizes $$$

I hesitate to call the Prestige a good choice. You have to land on that dimple and it’s not easy. Still only did it with the secondary hop. Even then, there’s going to be less friction on a through hole if someone manages to pull it off. :wink:

I maintain that the best choice by a large margin will be whoever busts out an Elysian. It’s near-cheating at that point (which is what Gambit originally wanted to avoid until the futility of the exercise became apparent!) but it’s proof positive that the Elysian is what you want if you’re serious about fingerspins.

I would imagine the horizon probably comes close. It might even be better because the I think the cup pf the Elysian has more contact with your finger. The horizon is certainly not easier, but perhaps more potential.

Using this :slight_smile:

Maybe. The Elysian does have a hint more contact with the finger, but it’s not much. Barely more than a through-hole. If it’s contacting fingernail and not flesh, when stacked up against the Horizon (or L5?) it might have more to do with the strength of the throw!

I’m pretty sure the Elysian would have longer Fingerspins then a Horizon

I like ramen

Ramen is The BEST

Guy’s PLS read the OP and don’t post the length of your finger spins because now I don’t want to compete cuz I know I’m completely out matched.

I’m still gonna compete but now that I know I’m gonna lose no matter what its not as much fun :-\

This is what Gambit wanted to avoid happening.

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Oops my bad :-X

Show off >:o


Haha, thanks for enforcing the rules in my absence lads. ;D

It really is worth entering anyway since we’re having a lucky draw. Heck you could throw a 3 second spin and still walk away with $25. There MAY also be room to expand prizes to perhaps a top 5 depending on how close the competition is and how many people enter, but I’ll see how we go with entrants first.

@Raigo + Logi - If you could un-quote the time in your posts it would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

I don’t know what your talking about :slight_smile:
Was just talking about ramen

Oh yeh! I’m so sorry, I must have been mistaken… :wink:

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What do you think of splitting up the prizes so you can do a “best fingerspin combo” prize?

I want to keep the prizes relatively high to encourage people to take part. If the top prize is $25 I can’t see many people getting involved as compared to $100. Thats’a spicy meatball…

If this all goes well was thinking of doing a “Best Fingerspin Banger” contest at some point in the future (no infringment on Werrds contest of course), but let’s just take it one contest at a time.

Ok, got it.

and the technique once you have it on your finger.

Yea I’m still gonna compete. so right now I know Andy will beat me but hey I might get third! :smiley:

I’m not going to- not worth it, cuz first of all I can’t really pop it I need to carefully place my finger, and my best fingerspin yoyo is my shutter and I can get maybe 5 seconds. I don’t really like being on camera anyway.