Longest Fingerspin Challenge: Cash Prizes $$$

Not to be a butt, but I thought finger spins were a breeze on the horizon o_O
I really underestimated my shutters 13 second one…

Question: Can you use a 4A Yoyo but with a C bearing and string attached?

They aren’t a “breeze.” They’re really hard to do but they can spin forever when you land them right.


I would assume, because there really isn’t anything to define a 4a yoyo

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Unfortunately that would not be allowed.

They tend to be considerably larger. Given my lack of experience with 4A I’m unsure to what extend the larger diameter provides an advantage, therefore I’d rather it be kept to sensible sized yoyos. :stuck_out_tongue:

In that case you’d have to give limit specs. I once saw a large yoyo that has fairly good fingerspins, (not spin forever but good).

I didn’t think I’d need to get exact or pedantic with specs, however if people are insisting, anything under 65mm covers 99% of modern 1A throws. Most people seem to be understanding what I’m getting at and trying things like Horizons/Valors/Prestige’s rather than trying to find the largest yoyo money can buy.

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And Theory’s Don’t forget about Theory’s

Sadly, no. The point of the Horizon is to get longer fingerspins, not easier ones. You have to have it completely HORIZONtal,(See what I did there?) and then catch it right in the middle. Once you have it just right though, it will go for days, and stay completely still in place. just need to get a harder throw and longer fingernails. And also, 13 seconds on a Shutter is amazing. I applaud you.


Hmm, just landed on the middle of the ultra light on my summit for the first time today. It didn’t go for as long as I would have thought and it also seems too hard to hit.

So, can I hold my finger strings with my other hand? It gets tired.

If I understood that question correctly I just wrap the string around my neck

I have no clue why it says finger strings.
I just mean
Can I hold my finger with my other hand cause it gets tired.

I just cut my nails a few days ago, so I should be ready soon to take you all down

Oh SNAP. My Ramens gettin soggy!

My nail kinda got bent so in ready to get a amount of time it takes to open the package around cup noodle long finger spin.

I just got the longest finger spin of my life on camera.

Be afraid.


What’d you use?