List of All Titaniums

There was a very small # of Northern Spin Co. titaniums that were given out in 2011.
It was an undersized version of the Aurora, I believe with a C-bearing.

Don’t know if this qualifies. I think it was nameless at the time but it had a nickname “Pluto.”
Befitting, because it kind of disappeared.

Hmmm…never heard of the Pluto. You’re right, the name seems to fit. By the way, to anyone wondering how many Dazzlers were made, help me put the pieces together. I have from a very reliable source that 45 Dazzlers were made in the second run. Anyone have an idea how many were in the first run?

@Midlifeyoyoman. I have only been around for a few years, but there is one thing I’ve learned. In the yo-yo community, relationships are formed, and many of them go way back to a point before many of us have been around to make any note of it.

You will see anyone from moderators, manufacturers, anyone at all, get to a point when they believe (and many others believe) that they are beyond reproach. I’ve seen people get scammed over and over again, and no one says anything publicly, no negative feedback, so the behavior persists. Not only does it persist, but it is enabled. Then, finally when they choose a so-called important person to scam, the whistle finally gets blown.

There are very few really important people in yo-yo in my eyes, and then there are people who are self-proclaimed to be important and their own cheerleader at it. There is a big difference. But, even self proclaimed important people can have some influence. So, here’s the formula to remember in yo-yo:

  1. So called important person scams average yo-yo buyer = no big deal. You will be told to make a thread in the traders feedback section that no one reads, leave a negative so they can leave you a retaliatory feedback (ruins your feedback too), and then if anyone takes any real interest in your case…the thread will get locked.

  2. Average yo-yo buyer scams so called important person = never going to happen. You will probably get banned for that one, so you better not even do that. The so called important person has friends in high places and you will get in trouble if you scam them. The so called important people will always act like you getting scammed is no big deal, they have confidence it won’t happen to them.

  3. So called important person scams another so called important person = Uh oh, now the whistle is blown. The only time I’ve seen someone really get called to task on these things, to a point that leads to their demise…is in a #3 type scenario. I’ve seen #1 happen many, many times, but it gets overlooked until #3 takes place. Then, it’s time for some action. When you see a #3, the scammer practically disappears from the community. :smiley:

I don’t agree with some of the things I see either. None of us is perfect, but we should have better ways of dealing with these issues when they arise. I don’t think it should be a power play. I respect why you might be giving up the collection aspect of it. Notice I said…might. :wink: I honestly don’t think you should though.

That is very interesting especially when you consider that the Aurora is already a rather undersized throw. I believe it measures out at 52.5mm in Diameter in the release version, so this must have been a quite small throw.

Would love to see one though. I’ve always loved Nothern Spin YoYo’s.

I was told 10 and 20 first run Dazzlers so who knows. Wonder if there is a difference in 1st and 2nd.

I’m thinking hard TA but goal was to get every Ti with more than a few produced. Had chance spent money and still didnt get rarest of manufacturer I was attempting to get.

@Midlifeyoyoman, It would sound as if you have hit maximum frustration which has sucked the fun out of collecting for you. That happens to us who collect at the level we do. I just don’t want you to let the Lowest Common Denominator be the reason for departing a hobby that you clearly seem to have excelled in. I spent 22 years as a Special Agent with the FBI, and walked away pretty cynical about society in general, having seen some of the absolute worst behavior people can exhibit, but there is far to much redeeming value in this community than you might think.

I’ve had periods of time where I felt exactly as you are probably feeling, and I just backed off for a while and let the reason I got into collecting become clear to me once again. It generally happens when I stumble across a YoYo that I just have to add to my collection. If you sell all your collection, or even part of it, I honestly think you’ll regret it until you allow yourself some time to just work on your tricks, and relax about collecting for a while. What your feeling is pretty normal for the type of collecting you are conducting. YoYo collecting is not like the other hobbies you mentioned, it draws a lot more eccentric people than other hobbies, and that’s both its strength, and its frustration.

I hope you think about this for at least a couple of months before you start selling everything off. You have nothing to lose by waiting, the value of your YoYo’s will not diminish at all, in fact it might increase just a bit. I’m also sure you can find good homes for the bulk of your collection if it comes that time.

It’s a better community with people like you in it, and I for one hope you decide to stay.

Wait, what? You sir, are awesome. Bet you could kill a man with an Anglam at 20 paces.

No midlife! Don’t leave! I live my yoyo buying life through people like you. I love knowing that when a fancy new japanese throw comes out, that there will be people like you, oops and stickman who will just buy it right away. It’s like, I don’t get to buy one, but the fact that all you guys do it so nonchalantly I think is awesome. You guys have collections that the most of us could only aspire to.

I agree. Sit on them for a couple of months. Take some time away form collecting, and just play with your favorites. See how you feel about it in a few months. It doesn’t seem like you are desperate for the cash, so why not wait?

10 and 20 for first run? I definitely got an extremely credible 45 count for the second run, so it’s safe to say there are 60 or less Dazzlers in the wild. :-\ YoyoExpert contacted YYR to get that 45 count on the second run, but there was no answer to questions asked about the first run. We were lucky to learn about the second run count at all. I knew he would at least get some answer to the questions, even if just a partial answer. I don’t think anyone else around here would have gotten an answer at all. :smiley:

@Midlifeyoyoman… Some of these “manufacturers” like the title under my name for making yo-yo holders, are just your average Joe working person like myself. Making product is a hobby, some extra money, but I would never quit my day job where I’m making 30 times more and getting benefits every year. So, remember that when making a deal with some of these people, as they just might be broke. Especially if they haven’t made anything in awhile. You see what happened to SPYY, and other companies are now claiming financial difficulties. A lot of companies are just a one-man part time operation. If you made a deal around Christmas time and offered up a lot of money, even if someone cannot deliver, it might seem too tempting to turn it down. Remember that 99% of the people you deal with are just not all that important…just the average Joe in this hobby like you and me. If they make yo-yos, they are an average Joe who also makes yo-yos. :smiley: Protect yourself at all times, and it will be a safe and rewarding hobby. Some of us were raised to be nice and patient and give the benefit of the doubt. I think all that works better in life than in business. In transactions, hold people to their promises, because the vast majority are not your friends anyway, so you owe them nothing more.

I love having other collectors around, so I agree with the others. I decided to give up actually seeking out those past produced obscure titaniums, because there are so few out there. If I found them, or saw them listed, I’d buy them of course, but I wasn’t going to actively look. I was content with getting those that are made available from this point on, not so much focusing on the past models. When I thought of it that way, it released the pressure of me looking. It just seems impossible to get all the titaniums anyway, even with the best effort. One of them on the list seems to be a one-off. :-\

Looks as though there will be a second run of Hyperions.
They are anodizing these as well.

Anybody up for a new, or second Hyperion ?
Certainly hope YYE plans to sell these.

^ I’m ready for a double! In blue! I’m not so sure about the placement of the color…that will take some getting used to. :-\ I figured they wouldn’t just make 20.

I’m trying really hard to warm up to their use of color…
The colors they chose are great, but the Hyperion is such an elegant YoYo, that using color almost doesn’t work with it.

Then again, I’m probably wrong.

Well, I thought about this some more, and now I’m on the fence. I’m not convinced this version is better, and the more I look at it, the more I think it may have made it worse. It wasn’t like when they did 9.06 and then the better tattoo version dropped. I’m not so sure this has enhanced the look. :-\ I’ll wait and see if it grows on me some more.

If they made the Hyperion, all annoed EXCEPT that one part that they did. And then put a tattoo. On the raw part. I’d want it BAD sadly not the case

^ Yeah, I’m leaning more toward a “no,” on this one. Better off reversing the ano’ed locations, or leaving it raw. I already have the all raw, so that might do just fine. I’m looking at the purple one, especially in the bottom photo, where the hub area was not masked off entirely or something. It just does not appear to be as nice as the all raw version. I have changed my mind before, so we’ll see if more photos surface. :-\

I’m making some progress. Just got my hands on a Ti5 recently.
Tis by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

Looking Really Good there TA !! ;D

The Ti-5 is probably my most thrown Titanium YoYo. I rarely leave home without one in my bag.
It polishes up really nicely if your looking for that mirror finish look. Similar to the Ricochet.
You might also like the Al-5, which is the aluminum version of the Ti-5, and throws nicely as well.
Landon + Titanium is a killer combination.

Now we need to find you a “Ti-Walker”. That will fill out that collection very nicely.
They pop up a bit more often than you would think on the BST. Sadly, they are just going to cost you a pretty penny,… which I’m guessing that Ti-5 did as well.

It’s looking good… :wink:

Thanks Stickman. The Ti5 plays nice, no doubt, but way too light to be my go-to titanium for everyday playing. I’d say Oxy 9.06 and Ricochet for an average size/undersize variety set are tied for favorite. I am in search of that Ti Walker. I plan to get one when it pops up, I just don’t want all the drama and games people play on the BST. I’m more like, “do you want to sell it or not?” I hope one ends up on Ebay instead. I’m not sure yet about a polish on the Ti5. The engraving looks faint and I don’t want to make it worse. So, I’m still considering whether to try it. Did you use Mother’s polish on yours?

The engraving is not in any danger from polishing, but I just used standard polishing compound on mine, and it polished up with minimal effort. I was not able to reach the inside of the cup where the engraving lives, so it survived just fine.

I will say that it looks awesome, but the ability to grind is diminished greatly.
I could totally understand if you didn’t want to do it.

Edit: Picture attached.

Wow, that looks awesome! Looks like it’s a GO. :smiley: I’ll post some results soon.

If anyone is interested in buying a Dazzler here in the U.S.A. ($650), send me a PM for more information. I’m not selling mine, of course. Serious inquiries only. :wink: