LF: Undersized (<54mm)

Getting back into the game after a decade off and I’m looking for undersized throws.

If you have a YYF Yuuksta or Boss (especially Boss JDS) I’ll take it as long as it’s not completely beat. I’m not interested in OD’s, I don’t like how they play.

The kinda thing I’m after would be

CLYW Ditch/Pickaxe/Campfire
General Yo Hatrick
YYWS Capstan 22
Dressel Oasis/Assassin
YYR Knok/Chobi Gorilla/SYFO

However I’ve been out of the game so long I am totally out of the loop so happy to look at anything.

I am in the UK but am prepared to pay for international shipping.

YYF just did a release of new colors for the mini hummingbird. Super great undersized bimetal.


I have a sengoku Nobumecha, Its 52.53 x 44.1 , Its a lovely undersized yoyo, plays great spins long.

Id let it go for $90.

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Which one drops have you tried?

Because, based off your list, I can think of a couple one drops that should theoretically be right up your alley.

Other good ones that might fit your criteria are:
RSO x DocPop - The End II
YYF - 44(the old one, not the new) and 44 special, 888
Duncan - yoshicuda
Static Co. - Sudo, Wave
Recess - Snack, firecracker


Hi, our zero is good undersize yoyo for casual play.


I’ll be picking up a zero ASAP as it looks perfect!

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Only older stuff in fairness, Project, MMN, Cafe Racer, Dingo, Rally (admittedly, not undersized).

Appreciate the list there! I’ve got a couple of them noted down already but I didn’t add them all to this thread, but I’ll check them all out!

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Check out the Onedrop Rebirth, it’s a modernized Project, far cheaper than finding a OG Project

Also, the Dressel Designs 5050 is like a wide Hatrick, then you got the Hatrick 2, and lastly, if I were you, I’d find an End 2 on the BST and be done

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The 50mm Zero is a great throw.

CLYW Pickaxe is a solid and stable undersized pick.

Recess Little League is also a great time.


I’m currently negotiating selling my Project as I dislike it that much! Will checkout the rest of your suggestions though!

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You will make bank off the project.

Consider getting a panorama, larger diameter than what you want but man, it will give you them old school vibes and keep you smiling



Try to find a G2 Grunt!

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Pmd you

My favorite yoyo is the Goodlife Valley, it’s 53mm. It’s a little more on the heavy side in terms of nimbleness but has good power and is stable. I have been curious how it compares to the Pickaxe as it has similar specs. I hope to get a Pickaxe soon.

Albertino is selling his Qi which is iirc 54.1mm here FS - Various yoyos (Atmos, Empathy, Unprld, ZGRT)

He’s based in London as well fwiw.

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Hi, I have a CLYW Ditch gold mint condition and boxed if you are interested. I am in the UK £40 Inc. postage.