Lets talk about the Peak


If life gives you melons you might be dyslexic

Needs pics. :slight_smile:

Love my peak 2. The old one felt like a rock but this one feels just right on the string.

Ive heard a couple people mention they thought the Peak was heavy on the string. I do not get that feeling when i play mine. Looking forward to getting my own Peak 2.

It’s got a unique feel to it IMO hard to put into words.

It’s because you’ve only played a 3rd run. The 2nd (most prolific) run was a bit heftier.

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Good call! thanks for the info. :slight_smile:

I think I might of thrown a older peak once. But wasn’t versed enough to appreciate it. But after finally getting my peak2… wow! I know some have given Chris grief over where they are made. Now I definitely prefer to support North American jobs. But no matter where it’s made this thing ticks all the boxes for me. It’s crazy smooth and stable. Moves fast and effortless. I love it.

Ill snag a 2nd drop for sure.

That is a great colorway!

I got lucky. A friend was trying to get beach party, so he had his brother tag team the drop. He ended up with two beach parties and sold me one. Since we were both out of town for the holidays, I had to wait. Just got it in hand last night.


To anyone who hasn’t already, check out Ben’s Peak History Thread.  It’s very interesting to see the progression of the model and all the info around it!


Link just took me to the main page. But definitely want to find that thread

the link works for me (laptop) just re-read it for a 4th or 5th time. Such a good (yet sad) story.

My fav is that Watchmen one at the very end!

Must be a Mobil thing.

Does it bring you to like a google or safari type browser yoyoexpert home page? If so, log in on that page, find the thread you found the link in, the press the link.

All the 1/1 painted peaks are gorgeous! I had the chance to buy the Solid Gold Dancer a few years back, before I started collecting peaks. I passed it onto YoyoBrothers, who is now the proud owner… if only I knew what I had stumbled upon!