Let’s Talk Restarts

You don’t need to go fast like try to do it slow and controlled and focus on keeping tension on the string like don’t let there be slack and that should help and then when it gets to a good spot you can like give it extra force but worst thing that happens should be you do a weak gravity throw like don’t try real hard and smack yo self pls


Snapstarts and palm starts in the traditional ways put front spin on a yoyo, so you use a frontstyle bind.

Do gentle frontstyle throws and practice regens from a frontstyle bind. Once you’ve got that down you should have no probably doing a regen from a snap start.

I might be weird, but I really don’t like regenning snap starts. I pretty much never do them. The initial bind is tight enough for me the vast majority of the time, but if I really want a super tight bind I’d rather just catch → throw → bind, over a regen. I’m not in a race to go as fast as possible, so I like just taking my time with it and doing a new throw instead of a regen.

When you get more comfortable binding at very low RPMs in addition to just getting stronger spins off your snap starts, you’ll have no problem just getting the yoyo back to your hand.


Made up (or rediscovered) a super easy restart. yoyo goes in hand w the fingers making a J shape, then pull the string to make the yoyo go up and over the hand ramp to add spin. Figured it out doing 5a but I think it works for 1a also.


I think it depends on which hand you use bc if I do a traditional snap w my throw hand, it adds backspin and I bind from under mount. NTH snap adds front unless I’m doing it wrong but I don’t know


Thumb pushes forwards on a traditional snap start which gives front spin. I do this with both of my hands.


Okay cool so you do it palm facing yourself I didn’t think about that. I do it with my th palm facing away like how you do with your nth

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Takatsu Tsukasa doing a pretty sick instant bind restart by Danny Severance.
It’s also possible to do something like this but hold the yoyo in TH and snap it up for the instant bind.


snap start is good,
required quite a lot of practoce to get good spins from imo

i found a smaller yoyo like a panorama slightly easier to learn it on

once you get enough practice you may have enough spin to do 1 or 2 short tricks before a basic front style bind,
can regen out into your usual combo’s

for what its worth i can only snap start with nth

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Ayo! Nice! I love the engineers wind up especially with fixies! Dead whips are kinda wild too!


Just got this one down! Surprised myself. What a cool snap start.

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Engineer Wind Ups have a lot of unexplored possibilities, lots of ways to whip or slack into them that can be done reponsive or unresponsive. @Chainsawctopus Kyle Nations has some cool ideas on the Bandalores, like a Reverse Hook. I’ve gotten then from a Brent Stole a couple of times, but Plastic Whip is my most consistent and go to when just playing and opt out of just snap starting.