Usually thumb start. I could just never get the snap down. (It doesn’t help that I can’t snap at all) Or when I’m doing 3a stuff I do thumb start and then a rolling trapeze start with my left hand.
I personally like to take the yo-yo in my hand just like I am throwing the yo-yo. Then I just kind of make the throwing motion and the yo-yo starts spinning. It is hard to explain.
I’m a snap starter too. I’ve got some pretty strong hands so I’m gonna see if Dave will add another world record to the mix. “Longes sleeping snap start”! I can get over a minute right now.
Like Ed I usually can do a few tricks then regen or bind. I even fix my string tension on a snap start.
it was over for me when i saw steve brown do snap start to sidewinder. i had to get it strong enough for that. now i like snapping into irgs. spirit bomb used to be my benchmark for a good snap, but bosk blew it away with rancid milk. you’ll have a tough time beating him, casey.