Does your local library have one? I was shocked to find out mine did and has had it for years lol, my wife just told me lol
I don’t think it does, but I’ll look next time we go.
Not all libraries have one but most main branches do. There are two libraries within 30 minutes of me with printers and maker spaces but the closest one down the road is very small with a limited selection of books.
Fixed Axle February won’t know what hit 'im…
Here’s a recent modular yoyo display I worked up! Still tweaking the design, but with the idea is that you can make is a big a display as you want
Why does it have a chink bit out of it?
”No Wheels, Brah!”
It’s “Surfer Talk” for “I do whatever I want, no matter how unhinged it may be!”
So it doesn’t roll away!
And for extremely violent “walk the dogs”… hop the dog???
In order to be print in place one piece you either need a flat surface for the print bed or a lot of supports and likely sanding to fix the supported surface.
Why don’t you just print it with the internal face down? Do you have a non-textured build plate? or would the texture have an appreciable effect on the string?
This one is purposely designed to be a one piece yoyo, it would need split in half to be printed with internal face down.
Printing in one piece this way is also beneficial for 3d printed axles because the layer lines run horizontal so the axle is stronger. Printed axles with vertical layer lines need a lot of care and stronger material in order to not snap after a few throws.
I do design and print three piece yo-yos that are printed with internal or external side down though. I have smooth and textured build plates. Texture can add to response and doesn’t really mess strings up in my experience. If you scroll up through the thread a bit you’ll see some designs of mine that work that way.
Makes sense! Didn’t realize it was a one-piece design!
Going to try this after work! I have to wait for those axles to come in to really give it a whirl though. Thanks for uploading!
I couldn’t wait so I 3d printed some axles. lol. We’ll see how it turns out when it’s finished curing tonight. I also looked for wood dowels, but I couldn’t find any in the correct size.
Veedo, Is there a file for that? Or did you just whip something up? I don’t have enough experience to whip something up, lol. If you have the time, can you share? I would like to do the same!
I can edit the design to wooden dowel size if you give me measurements.
Resin printed axles based on the curing comment? Should be interesting.
With FDM axles I have to use HTPLA and sometimes carbon fiber composite if it’s a small diameter axle and have to be very intentional with perimeter and infill design.