First let me start by saying, I am not very good at modern yoyo. I only started in December of last year. But in that time I have rekindled what I loved from all those years ago-
Over the last months I have accrued about 15-20 different yoyos and countless string. String of different materials, colors, thickness, manufacturers (; zipline, markmont, kitty, sochi, many bulk, badwolfco, some airetics). In my view and opinion, the string makes more of a difference in play than the actual yo. Of course I can notice a difference (even if barely) between how the different shapes and weights and styles can affect how a yoyo feels. But the string… the string is what ties the whole thing together, into one cohesive experience.
I found Legit strings here on yye forum or IG I forget which. I was intrigued by this younger adult (really a kid ) and his seemingly deep passion for starting a string business. The rest- not important. So onto what matters- the string!
I was given all 3 different thicknesses in yellow and green. It is a poly and nylon blend… At the time I just got my OD panorama, so I spent a lot of time just trying the string in different throws and what not. I am a firm believer in every yo having a string that suits that throw.
How I judge how a string plays is based on a few tricks- beef hook, suicide (leap of faith), pony farts (docpop trick( for string bite)) and a few binds.
Simply put I was amazed! The way the string whips open was exactly what I thrive for. Its mesmerizing watching it whirl open. Really good for whips and slsck and holds tension great. Its on the rougher side of feel until a little time playing and first wash. The string last
F O R E V E R. I’m still using that first string on my panorama. I have yet to wear one out. Anytime it gets dirty or looses it viability- Wash rinse repeat back to 90% new (let’s be honest its never brand new but different) I use Legit strings on almost all of my throws now. I still have a bunch of other string so I use those randomly or where they really fit.
There is one down side I had an issue with when the string was brand new. The loop that goes around the bearing is really tight and I had a tough time putting it on the yoyo. I had to split the yoyo to put it on the bearing.
( I told him about this issue and he was aware. Since this first batch I received he has told me that issue has been resolved. Since I live in Japan my new batch (that I purchased since I like them so much) has yet to reach me to personally verify or confirm. But he did say it’s much better)( But once the string i currently have has broken in and washed a few times I haven’t had that issue. The main issue was with the thin, the normal and thick wasn’t bad and once broken in fine. Hopefully no longer an issue but thought I should mention it since it is the one “downside” I noticed)
I think everyone can find a throw it fits perfectly with. You can find legityoyostrings on etsy and IG.
If you have any experience with this string I encourage you to give your honest feedback here.