Leather Holder Contest#2 -YoMagic Wins, SR placed second!!

You’re probably the kind of guy who never forgets a face…am I right? You definitely know yo-yos. I wouldn’t have been able to do that, it only seemed easy to me cause they’re my yo-yos. Great job! I’m just glad there was no tie because we would have had to break it somehow. :slight_smile:

Your right I never forget a face! I’ve been around yo-yoing for a while and it’s a weird ability to know so many yoyos without actually seeing them. It’s kinda shocking to me too! Thanks again.

Congrats to Yomagic! Some ability you got lol.

I didn’t enter, but correctly identified the La Gautte, Halo, Dark Magic 2, cosmos and Oxy 5.

Yep i got hung up on the other 3 myself.
At least i had the right companies ;D
Yoyo was: what i said it was:
Genesis yuuksta (smaller version of the gen)
Dingo y factor ( the only one the cup was hard to see the entire video, especially on a phone screen, lol)
Torrent 2 ministar ( torrent never crossed my mind)

My mistakes
Nice job yomagic. Seeing how fast you got your answers in, you really do deserve the win.


So close. Torrent 2 was my second choice.
Awesome contest. It was pretty challenging and fun

Thank you, I had lots of fun too. Post here if you guys have ideas for the next contest.

I like the difficulty of this contest. I think things that require Yoyo knowledge are cool contest.

DARN IT i fell asleep and i forgot to submit my entry -_-

same here

To be honest with you guys, I was sleepy too. I totally crashed when the whole thing was done. I’ll be doing some others, so no worries. Glad you guys took some interest in it. :slight_smile:

count me in

WHAT. I MISSED ONE. The stupid C3 Halo.

And I submitted it fast!


Dude, I owe you an apology. I didn’t mention you in the comments. You totally only missed one, forgot that detail, and you submitted at 9:20, which was quick…only 6 minutes after first place. I’m going to send you a $15 certificate, cause that deserves a close second place. There was no second, but I’m impressed with that too. PM me your accurate email and I’ll hook you up today.

Aww man I missed it. :frowning: oh well hope to catch the next one.

I did pretty well for only knowing about metal yoyos for 4 months!!!