Least favorite yoyo?

wait but if he hates the yoyos everyone loves and you love the yoyos everyone hates that means he actually loves the yoyos everyone loves and you hate the yoyos everyone hates. therefore, i hate myself for loving the yoyos i love and hate everyone else for hating the yoyos they hate.


:o i be seeing this nonsense logic


Younkee waryo.

Plays like a rock, sharp H shape (that really hurts), factory dents.

Duncan Butterfly

Dingo. You look at it funny and it tips over.

pocket change… to bad to describe…


FAST 201

even though mine is insanely modded to be unresponsive

Aww, no love for the Duncan Butterfly. I like it just because it was one of my first experiences with a yoyo.

But my least favorite type of yoyo’s are the auto return ones. Its like “I’m done spinning, here I come!” and I’m like “No! I’m in charge you come back when i say you come back.” They just get on my nerves.

yomega brain

yea, auto return yoyos suck :frowning:

Yomega Xodus ll. It’s a yoyo meant for 1a and 4a but it’s too big with rubber edges, and responsive/ small-gapped for 1a and too small/ just plain narrow for 4a. It’s okay for beginner tricks but nothing else(just my opinion)!

Jazz-yo Regulus.
Crappy response setup - unstable; and the outer weight rings actually encourage precession. It does look good though.