Ladder Escape

Ok, so I’ve decided to give ladder escape a go. I will probably fail in the process but lets see how far i can get :smiley:

Ok, so I think i get how to do the ladder mount, and its fairly simple. But when I do it, it doesnt look like andre. It looks somewhat similar, but when i do it the triangle seems a lot smaller. Here’s a video below. Sorry if u cant see the string too well :stuck_out_tongue: Am I doing it right? If not, what am i doing wrong and how do I fix it? Thanks! :slight_smile:

So hard to see. The dim light combined with dark string are your enemy here. Go to the brightest room of your house, during the day, and make sure you set everything up so the light is hitting your front, not your back (face the window, don’t put yourself between the window and camera).

This will make everything brighter overall, but more importantly it will allow your camera to use a higher ISO setting (it’s all automatic, don’t worry if you don’t know what that is) for a clearer picture.

So hard to see. The dim light combined with dark string are your enemy here. Go to the brightest room of your house, during the day, and make sure you set everything up so the light is hitting your front, not your back (face the window, don’t put yourself between the window and camera).

This will make everything brighter overall, but more importantly it will allow your camera to use a higher ISO setting (it’s all automatic, don’t worry if you don’t know what that is) for a clearer picture.
This is the best i can do right now, hope its good enough :slight_smile:

It looks like you are not using your throwhand thumb to open the mount up. Notice in Andre’s video how he sticks his throwhand thumb into the triangle formation and pulls it open - that is what gives the ladder space to form. If you try to do it with just your index finger, the mount will close up and not form the ladder properly.

Ohhhh yea i see now, thanks! :slight_smile: now on to the hard part of the trick… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok so now i can do the ladder mount. Thing is, when i do it, the triangles are barely large enough to swing through the yoyo and the whole “ladder” is pretty small itself. I feel like its because my string isnt long enough so the “ladder” is small as a result. I feel like im doing the ladder mount well but the triangles in the “ladder” are quite small. Any other idea why this could be happening?


Longer string could help. It’s a pretty tight formation, so any extra space you can get helps. If you have a smaller yoyo, that might also help it fit through the openings.

If you are not already, you also want to make sure you have the ladder formed as much as possible before landing the yoyo back on the string. It is harder to open up the formation once the yoyo is mounted, because it will be sitting on the string pulling things tight. Making sure the openings are already as large as you can get them before that can help.

You can try to open up the formation up a bit more after mounting the yoyo by sliding the strings around manually. You don’t need them all to be big, just the one you are passing the yoyo through, so repositioning the strings to make that one big at the cost of the others can help. Once you get more used to it, you can try working toward doing the trick without having to reposition any strings, but that can help for learning. It is a pretty tight fit that takes a lot of accuracy with the yoyo, so keep practicing and it should become more doable as you get used to the maneuver.