Had a bearing in the Gorylla slow down and become noise. The bearing has a plastic bearing seat.
I crossed my fingers and put it in lacquer hoping it would not effect the plastic.
Worked better than new.
Mineral spirits seem to leave a thin film, which may be good for some bearings.
Just a theory; If you put a drop of thin oil in a shot size of mineral spirits , would this provide a super thin film of oil when the thinner dries.??
actually all that would happen is it would thin out the spirit by a miniscule amount and at the same time actually making your bearing slightly more responsive.
First of all no need to correct a correct statement. oil is lube.
Now mixing oil in spirits isn’t a good idea. Doesn’t work like we would want it to.
Also with cleaning any bearing you shouldn’t leave it to dry. That would cause a film with just about anything. What you need to do is get a can of compressed air that is used for blowing out your keyboard on your computer. use that to blow the remaining liquid out of your bearing. This will almost ensure that no film will be left.