Kamikaze trouble

Like many other people, in the kamikaze, I am struggling to see how letting go of the string with the NTH allows you to hop the string up and let it go into a trapeze. I keep getting back into a kamikaze mount-like thing. The other posts said to make sure that you land on the back string, which I am doing. Someone sent a video, but I couldn’t view it. Can anyone either verbally or pictorially (video) explain this to me?

Thanks guys


So you need to just come up from the front side and place everything on top of the strings coming from nth. It happens so quick/duffle and isn’t explained in the yyt video. I had the same problem

What do you mean by “come up from the front side”? Would you mind sending a video (only if you are 100% comfortable).

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Sure bear with me. I’ll post shortly.

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I hope that helps. I’ve been working on this trick most of the week. 50/50 shot I hit the Magic drop😉

Ok, thanks a ton. I still haven’t gotten it yet, but this vid will hopefully help!

Here’s a full vid. Not the cleanest, but I did hit the Magic drop!

Nice! #beast!!

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Thanks so much @BinyaminBroth! I’ve been trying to get caught up on the Trick a Week challenges that’s on another thread. It’s been helping me flesh out my trick vocabulary, maybe you would like to get in on it too:
MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (Week #20 Slack To Rabbit Ears)...HAPPY EASTER!

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Kamikaze just happened to be week 1.

Thanks @Mystik!!

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