How to get into Kamikaze consistently

Any advice on how to get the yoyo and string to more consistently form the Kamikaze mount when i hop it into the top string? I managed to do the flashy version of getting into the mount once and have not been able to replicate it for some reason.


From Houdini mount to kamikaze?

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Try to release the string from the non throw hand thumb the moment you pop the yoyo up.


Do you have a video of you attempting it? Without that it’s hard to give specific advice. But generally when you pop the yo-yo up into that top string, you want to release the string on your non-throw-hand thumb as the yo-yo is going up which should help the string wrap around the bearing and form the mount.


I dont have a specific video but what i can say is that what typically ends up happening is that i end up in what looks like a sub mount except the string gets tied around my fingers. Here is generally a pic of what it ends up looking like

I know it’s a rough pic. Not a great artist


I think my timing might be off in that i release early

Are you popping the yoyo up into the string, like hopping it? You should be just pulling your hands apart then as soon as it hits the top string release your nth thumb.


Scoot your thumb forward more so it’s in the right plane and release at the height apex. Hopping it up high and bringing hands closer together so it can go higher and look cooler will help. Going back and forth is a super satisfying repeater if you kamikaze then up and thumb pluck back to Houdini


I just did it again to check my mechanics and i actually think im releasing the thumb before i hit the top string. That may be the problem


No clue if this helps


You’re right in that it takes a little bit of getting the feel for the timing down, and a little commitment to the hop. You mentioned landing in that mount by mistake, that means you almost had it but just didn’t have it in line. Side note the version where you missed and went into the weird mount is where you can start a gyroscopic flop from.


Note. Bizarro sub mount for gyro flops. Will keep that in mind :wink:

after learning the basic whip to kamikazie, i actually think its easier than the jump from houdini now…

i sort of think of going from houdini as throwing the loop down on to the yoyo rather than hopping the yoyo into the string. i move both hands down slightly to throw the string into the gap at the same time as the yoyo is coming up. not sure that helps…

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Update: I don’t know what changed but I am beginning to hit it more consistently.


Nice! Thats practice for ya


Okay so I’m stoked for you but I also just made a vid and thought about it more and thought of a tip…imma share the vid anyways hah I basically shoot it up hard enough so that the string wants to be in kamikaze like it’s thirsty for that and you can feel it want to come right off your finger then you pull apart to give it what it wants


There is a simply/cool variation on this entry in the follow up trick Yellow Airplanes Yoyo Trick AKA Kamikaze 2.