I just ordered my first 888. I’ve wanted one ever since I found out about pro yoyoing and I finally had the money at the same time they were in stock. I sure hope they’re as good as everyone says.
Btw… is there anything I should do to it when I get it to make it better? Like… does it come responsive or unresponsive? (I’m guessing unresponsive but my GM2 came responsive so I’m not completely sure).
unresponsive, and yes they are amazing yoyos IMO ;D
it comes with unresponsive right out the bos
i LOVE my 888x and i hope u enjoy yours
well they are amazing yoyos but the only thing i could tell you to make it better is put a 10-ball in it…888’s are smooth already but a 10-ball makes it unbelievably smooth and silent
as for performance they are soooooo freaking good. theyre really floaty and are super fast through the air and im not sure why but it gives you just that extra split second to land whips like brent stole
Sweet. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with Brent Stoles (no clue why. I know exactly how to do them… I just can’t. I guess I just need more practice). I can do GT Whips and Ninja Vanish easily but can’t pull of a Brent Stole. Hopefully this will help.
the 888 will speak to u in ur mind and tell u what to do and slow down time to let u do tricks because it is so godly
yea it definately takes practice…it took me about 2 weeks to learn it but after you get it once, it gets super easy
Hey Samad. Aren’t you sponsered by yyf?
Oh. Hmm… I thought he was.
mmm ant were did u learn such a trick??? :
lol wgatta hang out