Just got a PM today... Please view this!

Can someone PM me who sent the PM?

Why? To thank him? He’s a lurker, let him be

I want to know who the person is, to see if I kno them, so I can have a personal opinion of who sent it. Cause of its someone I like ima be mad.

There has been so much tension in these forums lately. Can’t we just relax and talk about yoyos?


Well Bcmaddog,
I think everyone in the thread is making valid points, even in places where I don’t wholeheartedly agree with them. I think we all react to things differently, and things bother people at varying degrees. Whoever sent you that could be reading the forums as a “guest,” or it could be an active member who made that account under a different name to give you that criticism. We will never know the truth.

My point of view is that if someone on the forum has an issue with a poster on here, the correct protocol is to contact a moderator, express the problem, and if the moderator sees fit, he will address it. A moderator will monitor the situation and address it accordingly. I do not think it is appropriate to moderate when you are not a moderator, in public, nor in private.

I give this person some credit for not posting that in a thread for everyone to comment and “pile on.” I also realize that you only made it public, because it shows a specific example of what you told us about before. It is good to see the actual language written by the person to try to gauge the sincerity of it. So, I am glad that you posted it.

While a PM is a private message, meant to be private, if BCmaddog does not know this person at all, he owes him/her nothing. He should make it public if he chooses to. If someone I don’t even know PMs me to criticize me, I would treat their message like spam. When you stick your nose in, and contact someone who does not even know you, and criticize them, when they can’t even put what you think into context based on who you are, you run the risk that the message will be made public. Again, BC owes this person no “privacy.” Who is this person anyway? In terms of that, I’m glad you made it public, because I was curious to read it, rather than you just telling us the gist of the message.

Just some food for thought though. Stop caring so much what people think about you. I would have just written back something like:

“Thanks for taking the time to criticize my posts. It appears you hardly generate any of your own. Perhaps, if you took the time to make yourself known to me, and put yourself in a context where I might respect your point of view, I might have taken your comments into consideration. But for now, I would appreciate that you not contact me again. If you refuse to comply, no bother, as your account has been blocked from sending me any further correspondence. While we are giving advice to each other, I ask that you post more, and private message me less. Thanks for your time though, as you have received all of mine that you are going to get today. See you on the forum…or not.”

In other words, stick up for yourself, and stop caring what people think of you and your posts. Don’t care what anyone thinks if you have no clue who they are, and you cannot put it in context. If you got that message from a regular poster on the forum, you might treat it differently if you had prior interactions with them. But this stranger…who cares?

You stated that you are working on improving your posts, and it seems you are doing that on your own. Perhaps this person is unaware that you are working to improve as we all are each and every day. It is okay to express yourself in return when someone sends you a PM, and don’t sweat the small stuff. :wink:

Woah, that was a lot of fury released in one post…

@bcmaddog: 12-16 age range you say? I think I can narrow it down pretty close.

Your arrogance coupled with the inexperienced nature of your netiquette suggest to me that you are in the lower half of the age range. Your tenancy to do whats popular
along with the language you use also lead me to believe you are younger, possibly 12-13. Further evidence comes from you location (3,000 years ahead of you) suggesting you think you are better than others (Backed by forum posts), along with your immature behavior at times. You also tend not to think sometimes, then post rather worthless posts.

Based on your posts, I can tell you fell insulted by minor things. Your excessive use of the YYE app instead of using a computer, which is much faster, tends to make me think you are somewhat lazy, and like doing things the easy way, while not always looking to find the best way. Your nature of posting wrong information, then correcting it leads me to believe you are impulsive.

I believe you are 12.

Excuse me if I’m wrong, but I think you will find it rather accurate. Personality is rather easily expressed over 2.6k posts. Not only did I guess your age, but some of your personality too.

Weellll, you didnt have to go all detective and you couldve just looked for a video of him, which he has posted, and looked at how old he looked in those.

Also, I believe he has stated his age in posts before haha… But anyways, yeah, when youre 12 you honestly wont be able to post much quality stuff.

@Nemyo He said he is 13.

I think that this is a very needless topic. My two cents is that, yes, Bcmaddog, me, ALL OF US need to double check before we post. I also agree that this is something that shouldn’t have been made public. However, at least the PM’er had the decency to at least try to be polite-sort of- and be private about his grievance, while some of the posters on this thread are being openly hostile and rude towards Bcmaddog. Publicly. Bottom line is that we all need to try to be polite. I think that these sort of rude topics/replies are becoming a little too prolific here on yoyoexpert.

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I think something else to point out here is that there’s a difference between posting for posting’s sake and posting because you have a lot to say. Maybe, and I’m speaking hypothetically because I haven’t thought twice about whether maddog’s posts are high or low quality, maddog just has a lot to say about a lot of different things. I could be wrong, but I doubt he’s posting a lot simply to increase his post count. In which case he has some right to be angry because it’s just an eager desire to help by posting so much, rather than posting a lot because he wants to raise his post count. If someone PM’d me telling me to stop posting as much as I do because my posts are low quality, I would rethink the quality of my posts when I post, but I would also be angry, because this person from the shield of their computer screen is insulting my desire to help and discouraging me from communicating knowledge to other people.

Look, I’m not saying the OP was completely in the right–he wasn’t. The PM was, however, no reason for public humiliation for the PM’er. I think it would be better if this thread didn’t exist, yes, but because it does, I’ll say this:

I agree with people saying that the OP should have kept it private, but for the people who say he shouldn’t be offended, I strongly disagree. Put yourself in his shoes. You receive a PM saying “The quality of your posts is bad and you should stop posting so much.” I know I would be offended. And I think more of you would than would like to admit it.

All in all, was making this thread right? No. But does the OP have a right to be offended? Absolutely.

I have been reading this thread get worse and worse. I think standing and watching both these poor people get pummeled by people’s opinions is just harsh. Everyone is different. And everyone takes criticism differently. You are entitled to your own opinion.

My opinion is that we have seen enough opinions now, and this thread is just turning into a big fight. This forum is for discussion, not making enemies. If I were controlling this, I would make people stop posting in it. Not delete it, because it sets an example and deleting it could cause conflict with the mods.

I am suggesting we let this topic drop, it has had three pages of pointless name calling by now, and honestly it is getting tiring. I’m sorry in advance if this post is offensive in any way.

I agree also, maybe after starting a thread, add the words, constructuive criticism appreciated, then not only will you not be hurt, but you will be a bigger benefit to all. :slight_smile: