I’m still looking after all this time.
If you know of anyone that has spotted, or seen a snow weasel please let me know.
I need this yo, really need it, help a guy out!
I’m still looking after all this time.
If you know of anyone that has spotted, or seen a snow weasel please let me know.
I need this yo, really need it, help a guy out!
Somebody please get this man a snow weasel!
I maybe could if I knew what the heck a snow weasel is?
This is one elusive yoyo that I have been pursuing off and on forever. I need some help, real help. Any contacts, any clues you might have, please share.
This is my dream yo the only real piece I’ve ever wanted to collect. Thanks!
Let’s catch a weasel!
Yeah, I’ve heard of those, but ya need a schnae schnake to catch one.
Hey all! I’d even be interested in the Big Badger if you find one. The big badger was the second yo I believe of the weasel series. As a kid that’s how I discovered the badger was part of the weasel family. It was brown with a black and a white stripe I believe, possibly badger prints. Sorry memory is a bit foggy, I was just a kid at the time.
A snow weasel would be the ultimate though.
You tried hitting up every instagram picture, youtube video anything with one of these on that you can see even for a split second?
The only snow weasel pic on the whole of google images is yours!
Its gona be a toughie! But dont give up it took me 18 months to find another model of yoyo that was stolen from me when my bag was nicked. I mean i asked on every Instagram pic of it, LF posts everywhere etc.
So never give up. If i ever see a weasel or badger ill hit you up.
I take it youve put a LF post up on all the facebook forums?
I’ve never used facebook, twitter, or Instagram. Low tech life, odd that I use a forum or running water lol.
I have some friends that are on the look out for a weasel as well as many antique and pawn shops. I don’t know some dreams are never realized, but it wont be for a lack of effort.
Im not a huge fan of social media tbh
but is a question of how badly do you want one! Its worth just getting on there and hitting up the most busy places, as well as looking up quieter foreign language speaking forums also. Ive gotten lucky one or twice that way also.
Actually it might be worth hitting up yoyo brothers and asking if you ever see this!!
They managed to source a yoyo for me that id not found anywhere else.
Youll get there in the end fella. Its just the time and perseverance. Finding rare yoyos is a long distance sport haha
Shhh…………be very, very quiet, we’re hunting weasels, snow weasels that is!
Hey all! If you would put on your quietest shoes and look under your beds, in closets, cupboards, under sofas, in boxes, outdoors, set a few snow weasel traps, I’d really appreciate it.
Still haven’t laid my hands on a snow weasel.
Anyone know the location of a snow weasel? How about a weasel hound to sniff out a snow weasel?
(Crickets chirping)
Post a pic of one. I dare you. I don’t think this ever existed, this is some kind of existential joke you’re playing on us!
I learned long ago that it’s not safe to look under beds etc. That’s where the monsters live, doncha know.
Coding, Coding, Coding, The world existed before the internet, as the did the Snow Weasel. Believe me, I’ve looked for pics of the weasel on the net, haven’t found one, doesn’t mean one isn’t out there. I dare you to find a pic of me. You won’t, therefore I must not exist. Now that would be a joke on me!
That explains why codinghorror’s hair is standing on end. My bad! Sorry codinghorror.
@Drakkar, ROFL bawhahah, awesome! Thanks for that lol. That’s a new school snow weasel! Pm me your price!
All around the mulberry bush, skitrz chased the weasel, skitrz thought it all in fun, pop goes the snow weasel!
Help me out guys!
Need a snow weasel!
@Drakkar, I’m still laughing hehe.
I think ive found one!!!
check your pm!
It’s no Snow Weasel, but it is an old school yoyo, has a skier on it, and it has a roll the ball in the hole game in it! Screamed @skitrz needs this to me!