Is Yoyo a Sport or Hobby

Yo-yo might be the only thing I can think of off the top of my head to be both a hobby and a sport. Just depends how far you want to take it. I’m happy to leave the sporting to the pros who use way more string and have way more patience. I’m just happy to play and have a few really amazing throws.


It’s a spobby :slight_smile:

It depends on what you’re getting out of it. I’ve always seen it more as a performing art akin to dancing, juggling or other form of stage performance.

I can see where it can be thought as sport too as while being an athlete isn’t required, dexterity is. Maintaining good sportsmanship is also part of it.

For myself, I treat yoyo as a hobby as I don’t perform or compete. It’s just a thing I do as a form of relaxation and accomplishment (landing that new trick when it comes).


I am not a big fan of judged activities being called sports but they are in fact considered sports. Figure skating, gymnastics, skateboarding, yo-yo, etc.

Now if played to the death, then I would have no doubt calling yo-yo a sport.


I think the most accurate description would be that it is a performance art, like juggling, dancing, theatre, kendama, music, unicycling, etc.

Most of these things have both a competitive and artistic aspect to them and there isn’t a hard line separating the two.


It’s a spobby???


For any professional that is active creating content preparing for contest my default would be a sport.
For me it would depend on how many calories you burn while throwing a good 2 hour session. If throwing burned as many calories as running a 9:00 min pace 5k I would call it a sport. That my personal take on a lot of is it a sport activities.

I am sure most would want to call it a sport…
You know poker is a sport to some.


If you’re competing, it’s a sport. If you collect and/or just play at your leisure, it’s a hobby. It’s both.


For me its a hobby but for the people that enter competerions and compete it is a sport

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Soccer is a sport, but you can do it for a hobby. Hunting is a hobby, but you can do it for sport.
Yoyo is a sport, but only if it’s not just a hobby. Personally, I have my hobby in my pocket even if I’m playing a sport.


Reminds me of the nlab entry of modality:

A modality in philosophy and formally in formal logic/type theory expresses a certain mode (or “moment” as in Hegel 12) of being.


My son-in-law competes in Pokémon tournaments. He competes weekly and travels out of state. Does that make Pokémon a sport.


It’s ina weird spot like all tcg games. As the video game version is considered a e-sport but tabletop they don’t really classify it as such which I always found odd.


YoYo is a hobby, a pass time, a way to connect with other people and compete like a sport. its many thing with many benifits.

but recently its how i bleed money every month :melting_face: