Is this good for 4 months?

I have been yoyoing for 4 months and i want to know if my progress is bad normal or better than normal.
So here it is.

Beginner: All
Intermediate: All
Advanced 1: All
Advanced 2: Mondial, grinds, slack trapeze, dr. strange, Cold Fusion, and laceration.
Expert 1: Suicide, Revolutions, Gyro flop and wrist mount.
Not Quite getting: Spirit bomb, All the whips :(, skin the gerbil.

Post a video please! :o

Yes! You’re doing great, as long as you’re happy.

Mhmm i agree, a video would help.

WOW! Thats great progress,I sure hope you dont stop yoyoing because if you keep yoing you are going to be great. You have amazing potential!

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Might wanna work on the “don’t get any whips” part cuz you said you had ALL of Advanced 1 down.

I’m a lot older than you, have been yo yoing for 30 years. Since the early Duncan days.
I have only mastered intermediate. Will keep on till I learn some expert tricks.
Still having fun.

ur doing good how bout me ive been yoyoyoing for about a year…

begginer all

intermediate all

advanced 1 all except plastic whip

advanced 2 all except pop n fresh, magic drop , shockwave, and over under boing e

expert 1 skin gerbil, gyro flop, suicides, wrist mount, jade
expet part 2 double siucide black hops
