just wondering if theres many pro level players on this forum? reason I ask this question is I don’t seem to get any replies on the trick help section! i do c a lot of people seeking help for the more basic tricks like kamikaze ladder escape superman ect ect. i don’t mean any offence in any way we all started somewhere but i need help on harder stuff and trickier moves.
I could help…
there are a few pro’s they don’t post often though… you’ll have better luck on the facebook forums…
Palli posts here and there.
This might make me seem dense, but what are the FB forums?
I’ve never seen them. Do you have a link?
I think Paul Dang posts the most often, and even that isn’t that often.
They’re too busy yo-yoing, like we should be :
for real though
That reminds me. . .
FB means facebook matey.
he is talking about where are the facebook forums…
Hi ;D
Yes. I meant are you guys referring to FB as a forum, or is there forums in FB I’m missing.
FB as its own forum, there isnt one hiding inside somewhere.
I could say I’m a “pro” in the sense of sponsored, however I’m definitely not on Palli or Gentry or Paul Dang’s level. Sometimes I do answer some questions especially when it is about looping.
I rarely went in this tricks sections though.