Is there a name for this bind?

I have a bind I’ve stumbled across, and I’m wondering if there is a name or a video for the bind. The basic steps are from a man and his brother, you drop the string off you NTH index. Then flick the string off you TH index and pull the yoyo in the opposite direction.


Essentially, its the same as the Plastic whip bind. I don’t think it has a name, but it’s a similar element.

Hmm. it’s a fairly different motion from the plastic whip bind, but maybe. I’ll post upa video later today. It might help illustrate it.

didnt actually know of this bind^^ ya… you get into it differently than a plastic whip… but the bind is actually the same… its just a one handet bind… dont know if there is a name

Brother bind

Since it can be performed from a sidestyle plastic whip, I’d call it similar to a plastic whip bind

I don’t know a name, but I’ve done it before. Generally, a trick with few elements isn’t original :confused:

I’m sure it’s not original, but I’ve only stumbled over a few times. I had tried previously to do it repeatedly, but hadn’t had success. I was hoping there was a video or something that would have let me see somebody else do it so I could get it more consistent. The plastic whip bind was flipping it over my throw hand so it didn’t really help me narrow down what movement I was missing.

I didn’t get a chance to post a video, but I did figured out what movement I was missing to make the bind consistent.


Do you do it just like plastic whip? Because when I use this bind I find that flipping it in a circle really improves how often it will come back.

EDIT: Whoops…used this bind a couple of times and I realize that the circle is counter productive. Sorry, that’s what happens when you take a break from yoyoing I guess. :-[ What I do in case it helps. Loop hangs from index of throw hand and then just a flick of the wrist to the side.

Yeah it was the flick that I couldn’t get consistent. I figured it out and hit it a little more frequently now.
