is the sleipnir or supernova usa made better

which one is better coz i wanna know from u guys experience

One is definitely better for you most days; though either will definitely be better for you some days.

The Sleipnir runs circles around the Supernova, which is $50 cheaper.

Owned both. Both are great, but let’s be real, a Sleipnir is a pretty special throw. Historically as well as in performance it’s the cornerstone of the high-end Japanese movement and a true legend. With the Yen being as weak as it is YYR prices are amazing, so personally, i’d go for the sleipnir, but then again you could still probably track down nearly two 7075 USA Supernovas for the same price, so up to you.

I don’t much like the sleipnir, and love the supernova.
There is no real advantage to one over the other. Like all yoyos they play a bit differnt from each other.
I’m not sure which would be made better though. They both seem to have the too tight bearing seat issue, and YYR admits them self’s that simply taking apart their yoyo may damage it.
So it’s probably a wash there too.
Get the one you like more, or the cheaper one or try to buy both used and see what you like/dislike about the two. It is really the only way.
If I went at a pure performance standpoint. I would say go with the supernova because I like how it performs a heck of a lot better, myself.
But as you can see from the other reply’s everyone is going to have their own opinion.
The thing about asking this kinda’ question is your going to get three kinds of people in here.

  1. the kind of person who loves either one of the yoyos. They will state the one is way better in everyway.
  2. the kind of person who thinks one of them stinks super bad and will come on and trash it.
  3. is going to be someone that understands no yoyo is really better then the next.
    the problem with the three of them is you don’t get an idea of anything out of their comment really. Just a bunch of bla bla bla, the third type gives you the best response but don’t tell you anything about the yoyos. As sad as it may seem your on your own in the yoyo world. you gota’ just try what is out there and find out for your self if you like it or not.

Have you ever noticed all of your Threads have been moved to the “Looking for Help” section? -because i have. maybe you should post a thread in there next time.

also along with another one of your comparison thread…
just buy a Supernova! you’ve been comparing this yoyo to so many others already.

i have a supernova, and i personally love it! so do yourself a favor and read more Supernova Reviews in the “Yoyo Reviews” section. under the search bar, search for Supernova.

And have you also noticed that you keep asking which yoyo is better but you keep getting the same answer. No yoyo is better than the other. It’s like asking what type of food is better, it’s all opinion and preference. I know you’re new but seriously you have to understand that.

Sleipnirs play really light and really fast. They spin forever. It’s big, and is amazing for horizontal. It just stays sideways. If these are qualities that interest you then get a Sleipnir.

Supernovas are YYF’s go-to competition throw. Great spin times. Intense stability. They play fairly solid but are super nimble on the string. It’s a good yoyo. If these are qualities that interest you then get a Supernova.

I personally prefer the Sleipnir in almost every way. The price tag is quite a bit heftier and the increase in performance doesn’t really justify it. But it’s a better yoyo. The sleipnir seems to suffer less from the unscrewing issue when compared to other YYR and I’ve never had vibe after unscrewing one. Be wary, though. If you get a Sleipnir you won’t be able to look at other yoyo companies the way you used to.

i will be getting a kojo edition supernova next birthday

What he said. lol!!

This is true. Once I threw my first YYR, there was no turning back. So many of my opinions changed in an instant of utter yoyo gratification.

Thanks for the warnings, guys! I shall be sure to never try a Sleipnir. :wink:

I will eventually get a Supernova, though I’m now more into the Gradient. Now replace Sleipnir with Valor.

lol, you necro’d the heck out of your own thread! Hahaha!

I like the Valor better than almost all other yoyos, so yeah. Valor.

I saw Nathan, got really excited, then looked at the date and became sad